FleetLists NEW

I am currently updating my fleet lists. The Go Ahead Group and First Group fleet lists are a few months behind although the local fleets are kept updated monthly. I have extracted the Plymouth Citybus and First Kernow fleets as separate listings as well as in the main group lists. These will be kept in sync with the local lists being exact copies from the main group lists
Other local lists will hopefully follow over the coming weeks

Graham 8th July


PLEASE NOTE THAT MOST OF THESE BELOW ARE CURRENTLY WELL OUT OF DATE! I plan to start work on them again in the Summer once I get my new PC up and running. They will probably move across to Microsoft Office so these links will change. 
Graham June 2019

Plymothian Transit Local Fleets
Covers Plymouth Citybus, Stagecoach Devon, First South West, Target Travel, Dartline and Countrybus. This gets updated in real time as details come in!

Stagecoach Group Fleet list
The full national fleet in number order, many with links to photos on Flickr.

First Group Fleet List
The full national fleet in number order, many with links to photos on Flickr

Go Ahead Group Fleet List
The full listing of all Go Ahead Group fleets in the UK. Fleets are grouped where they share a common fleet numbering scheme. Being converted to individual fleet lists as above

National Express Levantes
A new one for me just out of interest! This is most (not all yet) National Express Caetano Levantes in the UK.

Plymouth Citybus Visual Fleet Guide
A visual guide to the Plymouth Citybus fleet since takeover by Go Ahead Group. Illustrates the changes to the fleet each month since November 2009 with both the bus types and the liveries carried each month.

First South West Ltd Visual Fleet Guide
Same as above but for First South West Ltd from November 2015 when the company was renamed from First Devon & Cornwall

New for June 2013 is the first historic fleet listing:

Plymouth City Transport Fleet listing as at 1st April 1986

Please feel suggest any Flickr photo links that illustrate any of these buses as they would have been back in 1986 is possible.

Although you still can leave comments on this page (and I really welcome comments!) if you have any comments or notes regarding fleet changes can you please leave them on any other recent main post rather than on this page? It seems that Blogger has a job coping with too many comments on one single page so many readers cant get to see all the latest comments. Thanks


  1. Yet another EV2 was in the paint shop in plain red yesterday, next to it was an East Lancs B7 being sanded down presumably to be painted in plain red.

  2. PEDRO 23/08/2012

  3. Just another minor correction, 132 was withdrawn in April, along with 2 (though has since returned to service), 132,183,188,214,215,216.

  4. I meant fleet number 2, N102UTT was returned to service last week. Step-Dart 132 is withdrawn and still at Milehouse.

  5. 74 WA54JVX is in the new 'swoops' livery

  6. 08 plate enviros with swoops are as follows: 136, 137, 138, 143, 145, 146 - all out and about in swoops. There is another in the spray should possibly 139 or 140

  7. michael hudson PCTPG16 September 2012 at 21:31

    nxt buses in sprayshop are 409/139/140 for new swoops livery

  8. City College lettering etc was being applied to 409 today

  9. There was a sanded down Citario in the depot yesterday. I couldnt see which one it was, but it looked like a 56 plate one.

  10. correct it is 91

  11. 91 is done, and was sitting in the depot earlier, with the engine panel open. 409 is in city college livery with the letter on, 408 was having its lettering applied this morning. There is another enviro in the spray shop (at least it looked like one from the road), 141 or 144.

    1. Cheers - photos of 91 to follow on the blog shortly!

  12. 141 now out in swoops livery. Just seen it on Mannamead Road going city bound on a 44A.

  13. As a result of the closer of the North Devon operation, First in Plymouth have gained the following buses

    42459 - Which has spent most of its life in North Devon. Its sister bus 42458 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ipswichbuspage/5794222069/)now with First in Ipswich, spent a period of time in plymouth where is carried green line rail link livery (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=first+bus+42458&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1440&bih=805&tbm=isch&tbnid=S3-xOcdLFZoplM:&imgrefurl=http://pwearne.zenfolio.com/firstdevonandcornwall/h1DA2DCB3&docid=-MkgWN9Z32vZoM&itg=1&imgurl=http://pwearne.zenfolio.com/img/s11/v31/p497212595-3.jpg&w=580&h=435&ei=VxNwUIORFsKh0QWjqIHIDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=287&sig=110994921259053016831&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=206&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:0,i:140&tx=81&ty=72)

    42463 and 42464 - Both returning to Plymouth, having worked her for a long period before. Sister buses 42461 and 42462 were also working in Barnstaple after transpering up from Plymouth, but not sure where they are now. 42460, was the first of the old blue line livery buses to disappear, sometime before the others, and had been thought to have been written off in a accident, however, it comes to pass she was transferred to Yorkshire and is shown here in 2009 operating a 328 service (http://www.flickr.com/photos/57422671@N06/6166278715/)

    40036 - Has come to Plymouth to work alongside sister buses 40033, 40034, 40035, 40037, 40038 and 40039.

  14. 56 now with swoops on!

  15. 25 now in swoops

    First have painted one of their red marshall body darts in the base colour of the new livery. This vehicle is LN51 GOU

  16. 29 now in swoops

  17. 55 in swoops. Just 69 to go then all the plain red buses will be gone!

  18. 144 should be out of the spray shop tomorrow, all swooped

  19. Now all the 08 Enviros are repainted is it not about time 69 was done?

    I'd like to see the new swoops livery on one of the east lancs B7s, even the former Ray Stenning version never made it onto one of these!

  20. Might be fairly soon to see one off the East Lancs buses in swoop livery. One is currently in workshops being converted to single door so will have to be repainted.

  21. Another SPD is in swoops, possibly 70 or even 67, it had an orange LED display and made that rather annoying 'hoover' noise caused by the cooling fan being jammed on.

  22. 82 is now out in swoops. There is another citaro in the spray shop which is either 80, 81 or 83
    Tom, 67 is in the old stenning livery, so its not that one. saw 70 on the 42 earlier still in red and white. 69 is still in plain red, I passed it this evening. It might be 68, or it is in fact 74 which was painted a few weeks ago.

  23. Seen 68 on the 42 today still in red and white - must've been 74 then!

  24. 415 PL51LGN Volvo B7TL East Lancs Myllenium Vyking H45/20D Feb 2002 Jul 2009 London General I saw in a workshop yesterday and it looked like it was having its aoa down to business advert being removed

  25. At last! Thought it might have been this one. It's set to be converted to single door so will have to be repainted. Never liked this advert really, thought it looked pretty scruffy.

  26. Citaro 80 is now in swoops.

  27. Volvo B7TL 415 is out looking very smart in the new swoops livery.

  28. Is 28 returning to service? Would be nice...

  29. Certainly would be nice. For some reason, out of all the SPDs in the fleet I've always liked the T-reg ones, very reliable workhorses and are perfect for their allocated routes (16,50/61/62, some 44/As and especially on Saturdays they make appearances on the 28/A/35s and the 40/41s.) I'm sure we're seeing less SLFs (especially the R-reg batch) out and about now though.

  30. Is it me or are these changes also a chance for PCB to save money, buses and drivers?

    Took the 43A this morning and noticed the same vehicles that have been on it all day, where also on the 29, 43 & 43B.

    1. The 20/42 today is running with 7,62,66, 71 and 76. It's been okay so far though we are seeing some punctuality issues in the afternoon, the 20 is currently running between 5-8 mins late.

      With the 43A/45 being combined is it being operated by the route branded Enviro 200s or the B7RLEs?

      Also, something else I picked up on, when looking at the printed copies of the timetables, they have a 'cartoon' like picture of a bus in the top right. All of the ones I saw (20,21/A/B etc, 40/41, 42/A/D, 50,61,62)all had a picture of a single decker, while the 29 timetable I saw has a picture of a double decker - presumably because of its 'through working' to the 34 and vice versa.

      If (and I stress if) this proves correct, the 21/A timetable had a picture of a single decker - does this mean Citybus have given up with the double deckers on the 26...?

      (feel free to move this to the the post you did yesterday Graham).

    2. 43A today has had: 34, 35, 41, 44, 94. 41 was also on the 43 this after and 94 was running 5minutes late out of town.

  31. We've had a different bus every hour today, so add 32 to that list. I'll make an assumption that the 20 doesn't change to a 42 and vice versa on Sundays, as I thought that was the case earlier on today. The only reason I say that is we've had a different bus every hour, and if they were changing over, we would've seen each bus at least twice by now.

    Perhaps the running boards on Sundays contain a really big variety of routes and they only do one trip on that route?

  32. The 43A is probably one of their most reliable services, but now with the onward journeys to the 45 and changes on a Sunday, I fear that the tables could turn.

    1. So have they been putting those old SPDs on the 45? In the past hour on the 20 we've seen 75 and another 54-plate SLF.

  33. Not sure Tom, I got off before town so didn't see what it changed to, but if 41 was on the 43A then the 43, I can only assume thats what happened for the duration of the day (seeing asthough the 43 had just SPD's and Citaro's)

    1. Suppose so. Couldn't see those being their first choice for the 45! Would be a bit of a downgrade to say the least. Saw a 21A today on the Embankment which was Citaro operated.

  34. 143, 144 and 145 have been route branded for the 45, so as this has been done in the last week, we can safely assume Enviro 200s will ply the 45, certainly during the week. 70 was on a 27 earlier, 59 was one 42A this evening. There were citaros on the 44 and at least one citaro on the 26, 34 had 146 this morning and there was a dart on the 50, but I can't remember which one it was

    1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/36190698@N04/8175370251/in/set-72157631981330801

      They've only covered the back of it - quite effective if you ask me. Not the best photo in the world though it was getting dark!

  35. Lots pf complaints om their Facebook page, people just moaning or genuine complaints?

    I'm sure it take a while to settle down.

    1. Certainly seem to be a lot of complaints, it certainly hasn't gone to plan! If we can take anything from it:

      Deckers removed from the 26 (what route are they on now? Perhaps replacing some of the Volvo Double Deckers?)

      Early morning 34s have had the B7 Deckers removed.

      Must be really embarrassing for Citybus - they can only hope tomorrow will run a bit smoother!

      The 20 now seems to have been downgraded to cr*ppy SLFs too, so far today I've seen 1,7, 9, another one I couldn't quite see which one it was, possibly 4, and 70. If we had the R-reg SLFs it wouldn't be too bad as I don't mind them, though I've never really liked the N-reg batch.

  36. Here are the allocations I have observed today, between 11am and 4pm. The buses are listed in the order I saw them:
    Route 50 - 59, 26, 413 and 75
    Route 152 - 429
    Route 20 - 4, 1, 70, 10
    Route 21 - 17, 85 + plus one other citaro I couldnt read the number of in the distance
    Route 45 - 144
    Route 29 - 425
    Route 44A - 77
    Route 27 - 9
    Route 28 - 47, 9
    Route 9 - 36
    Route 43 - 102, 60, 101
    Route 43B - 139, 404
    Route 62 - 22, 63
    Route 61 - 12
    Route 35 - 423, 136, 135, 140
    Route 16 - 30, 3, 44
    Route 40 - 37
    Route 21A - 83
    Route 36 - 408
    Route 42D - 429 (this one was later at 5.15)
    Hope this helps anyone trying to work things out

    1. Seems a bit of a mess to say the least! 425 on the 29 isn't surprising as this changes throughout the day to a 34, the SLF on the 21 is surprising, and what is an SPD doing on the 43!

      The 50 has had 4 different vehicle types, those being as Citybus say 'SPD (Ramp)', 'SLF', 'LF Double Decker' and 'SLF (Ramp)', it really does seem a mess. Volvo B7 Deckers on the 50 in my opinion is a bad idea, they really cannot cope with the hills, and normally going up Keswick Crescent on one by the time you're halfway up the hill heading towards the roundabout by Asda you're in first gear, at full revs, going about 5mph with the cooling fan absolutely roaring like hell, and are very prone to overheating. The SLF Ramps again aren't ideal for the route for the same reason; they only have 3.9l engines which again struggle with the hills, 74 in particular shakes and vibrates more than any bus I've ever been on, and again are very easily subjective to a rather annoying roaring cooling fan.

      SLF Ramps on the 44s wouldn't be my first choice for them, SPDs suit the route much better. And Enviros on the 35! Surely aren't the utter rubbish the 20 seemingly now gets such as 4 and 10 better suited to the 35?

      Seems a real mismatch and a very untidy allocation, some more consistency would be better! Some more consistency would be better, it's certainly not been one of Citybus' best days today.

  37. Most 26 turns go on to a 21 in town and visaversa.

    The Saltash schoolbuses were Volvo Deckers, yellow school link which is very unusual. 43A had 108, 109 & and an SPD but didn't notice the reg.

    All in all its been a terrible day for them, the complaints on the FB page have been severe.

    Perhaps teathing problems that were expected, Plympton changes seem strange with the 21's but all seem to keep costs down and reduce the number of vehicles and drivers.

    1. What schoolroutes were they on? Just being nosey! The 117, 119, 121 and 122 are typically B7 Deckers, though the 121 was only changed to a B7 in April this year what with the withdrawal of 183 and 188. The 120 to Trerulefoot is typically a 'Volvo Double Decker' which basically means any of the B10M Double Deckers, which seem like either 177/178 made an unpopular appearance on the 21 yesterday - gutted I missed that, would've been a right treat for me! Judging by the comments on the Facebook page, for passengers, less so...

  38. Not sure what the problem is with different buses being allocated to the same routes? There are very few restrictions on routes so almost any bus can operate almost any route and that makes it more interesting. Wouldnt want the same Darts to appear every day on the 50. A little variety is a good thing surely. As long as its low floor the passengers couldnt care less, even the double deckers are pretty popular with passengers on the 50, as we get quite a few of them these days.
    As for the deckers being slow up Keswick Crescent thats nothing new for Plymouth. The good old Atlanteans also struggled to climb any hills, yet they lasted for years. There are a few Darts which struggle up Keswick too.
    That said there are plans to increase the power to get the Volvos up hill a bit quicker - which will probably be sorted as they come in for conversion to single door over the coming year or so.

    1. Wouldn't say it was a problem, more of a 'radical change' to what we've seen before on some routes. Some variety is no bad thing at all - certainly makes it more interesting!

      Removing the second door will probably help give them some more power on the hills, that said it's mainly the 'PN02' batch that are slower; indeed 405 overheated coming up the hill from the Torpoint Ferry and 34 was sent as a replacement. It's a rare occurance for people to use the second door anyway so makes sense to get rid of it!

  39. 415 is out on the road in the new livery, still got both doors but certainly suits it more than the single deckers IMHO.

    Think they need to sort the 26 out, single deck on that is a bit silly given the rush of students it has, certainly isn't going to be pretty on Thursday :P

    1. I agree, although I could only see 415 from a distance it certainly didn't look anywhere near as good as it does on the Enviros and Citaros.

      With regards to the 26, I agree, removing the deckers from this service is a silly move, at least put them on during peak times.

  40. I noticed when the 21 has had Deckers on, people have complained, so it's obviously the reason why the 26 also has single deck.

    1. True. B7 Deckers did appear on the 21 every now and again and were very unpopular with passengers, especially the elderly. Young children going into town with their parents and schoolkids who use the service though absolutely loved them!

  41. I saw this morning at royal parade R402FFC or R408FFC Dennis Dart SLF Wright Crusader on the 23 route have citybus brought these horrible looking things back into service

    1. Yep they are back in service sadly! It seems we are very short of vehicles at the moment.

  42. Citybus is very short of buses at the moment, it doesn't suprise me to be honest!

  43. Posted this in the wrong "post":

    This morning on the 26 was a total shambles, First bus strike, Citaro was wedged at St.B, 3 prams and the driver thought it was acceptable to let a 4th on without being folded. It was a total trip hazard, people standing in the aisle with 4 push chairs, it was that busy people where up against the doors, and despite another 26 being empty and right behind, he continued to let people on!

    Seems to me there's a shortage of buses and as such, the 29, 152, 34 etc all having the Deckers, there's not enough to work the 26, bearing in mind they are also needed for the school runs.

    Whever a decker has been on the 21, there's been complaints, perhaps another reason why, i'm dissapointed in Citybus to say the least, certainly after todays bus strikes.

    Hope Mr.G is reading this.

  44. Updates
    88 - now out in swoops
    62, 63, 64, 65, 66 and 71 - regularly turning up on 61/62
    73 - Has been sanded down (after repair from a breakdown)
    143, 144, 145, 146 - all branded for Route 45 on the rear
    Route 33 - this has seen a Enviro 200 everyday this week
    Other enviros seem to be on 16 and 35
    There does seem to be a vehicle on all the garages front and back, and the spray shop, and I have seen 25 and 73 being moved around on the tow truck in recent weeks.

    1. 215 and 216 are definitely back into service, as this fantastic capture from Nick Rice shows:


      SPDs seem perfect for the 61/62. An Enviro 200 on the 33 is a bit of a surprise, I assumed this would either be a Mini-Dart or an SLF.

      Have the Enviros moved off the 40/41 now and onto the 16 and 35? Always thought they suited the 40 and 41 quite well personally.

  45. 25 was used as a sub when a decker broke down on the 152 yesterday.

  46. From what I saw yesterday:

    5 & 5A - 54-plate SLFs.
    8 & 9 - T-reg SPDs (saw 31,33 and 34)
    16 & 35 - Enviro 200s (133/4/5/6/7 and 13) (the 16 upon reaching Royal Parade changes into a 35 and vice versa)
    20 & 42/A - SLFs (since the middle of the week it's been more R-reg SLFs, yesterday we had 3,21,22,23,24,25 and 26. The running boards say 'SLF'.)
    21/A/26 - Saw the usual Merc Citaros aswell as 8 and 410.
    23 & 24 - Mini Darts & 27
    25 - Mini Dart
    27 & 28 - SLFs.
    29 & 34 (upon reaching Derriford Hospital the 29 becomes a 34 and vice versa), these had the Volvo B7 deckers.
    40 & 41 - T/X-reg SPDs from the 50/61/62. I saw 37,38,40,41,42 and 138.
    43 & 43A - Volvo Wrights.
    43B - 08 Enviro 200s.
    44/A - SPDs.
    50 - 52-reg SPDs from the 20 and 22.
    61 & 62 - 52 and 03-reg SPDs from the 20 & 22 and the 42 respectively.

  47. 73 is All Painted, next prep/repaint is 202.

    1. The end of 'Dennis Dart'...?

      My thoughts are unlikely, seeing as a new book was only launched a few weeks ago.
      A special 'Dennis Dart' version of the new livery also seems unlikely, there could well be a new 'Dennis Dart'. Perhaps on Dart 69, that may explain why it's still in plain red!

  48. I noticed on the 69 bus yesterday on the RH rear on the quarter pannel below the flaps there seemd to be some sort of a electrical socket built into it, does anyone know if they are going to try new technology on this bus or not i couldnt get a picture sadly

  49. 401 has been opearting service 23 today!

    1. They must be really short on buses today - we've had 404 on the 20/42, I saw 178 on a public service which was probably a 21/A (was at Marsh Mills heading outbound at 1740, saw it on the return into town at about 1820), could've been a 50, another 177 was out in public service on the 34, and I also saw a Student Link Volvo Double Decker at Marsh Mills heading into town at about 1820, couldn't read the number though it did have a passenger on it. How are they getting away with using these step-entrance vehicles on scheduled public services? Are these routes not registered as 'Low Floor'? The 1708 21B I am almost certain comes off the 109 - which is assigned a Student Link Volvo Double Decker, so they're officially assigning a step-entrance vehicle to a normal, scheduled public service which isn't (I believe) a duplicate. By no means am I complaining - for me I absolutely love these B10M Double Deckers, and I've never been on 177/178, though as for 'normal passengers - I doubt there's any pleasure in it for them at all!

  50. I expect some of todays workings have been emergencys with major delays due ot flooding, some vehicles will have been delayed, especially coming in and out of plymstock. Having said that, there must still be a shortage of buses to have to use 177 and 178 in public service, although a nice change for passenger and those who like buses!
    425 was working the 28 which got to Henders Corner at 7.25pm, and there was another double decker on the 28 at about 3ish too.

    1. On the Embankment today, at 5.23 there was 178 on the 1715 from Royal Parade 21A, 186 on the 1708 from Steer Park 21B, and the 1725 from Royal Parade 21B was also B10M operated, this time with 187.

    2. Just thought I'd clear this up in case someone in the future reads some of these comments: All comments relating to B10Ms e.g. 177/178 etc on the 28/34/21A was from November 2012-May 2013, Citybus had 2 buses that just operated duplicate services in the morning and afternoon. Despite being down as B7s as many of you will remember 9 times out of 10 at least one of these buses was a B10M!

      These were (from what I remember!)

      Bus 1
      Not sure about the morning - possibly the 0750 from Saltash 152
      1615 from Royal Parade 28 to Derriford.
      1707 from Derriford 34.


      Bus 2
      07.47 from Devonport Granby Way 34 to Derriford
      08.23 from Derriford 42 inbound.
      16.10 26 duplicate from Royal Parade
      17.15 from Royal Parade 21A.


      The 1720 from Royal Parade 21 (that was a 21B) came off the 142 school run. It did the 142, returning to the City as a 42A departing Tamerton 1622 & Derriford 1643, and Royal Parade on a 21 @ 1720.

      1643 42A:

      1755 from Chaddlewood 21A (from the 1720 21)

      Hope that clears things up for people who read it in the future!

  51. Also T291 JLD from first is now in the new livery, and has been fitted with an LCD display board

  52. Are the new livery first devon and cornwall having plymouth written on them or not

  53. CityBus 202 is now out on the road, in the new livery, but also with new dennis dart additions on the front.
    There is another dart in the spray shop.
    73 still sits outside the depot, painted, but with items missing from its rear end.

  54. There is a picture of new dennis dart on citybus's facebook site, forgot to mention that on the 20:38 comment yesterday! whoops!

  55. Why is 69 not painted, yet one of the first to receive red?

    I note someone mentioned it's had some electrical system added to the rear?

  56. More changes are in the pipeline for Sunday 30th December for the 8 & 9, 14D, 21/21A, 23 & 24, 29, 34 and the 43A. Not sure what these are yet as I can only view these pages as the registration search is down due to maintenance:

    8 & 9 - http://tinyurl.com/8-and-9
    14D - http://tinyurl.com/14D-Dec30th
    21/A - http://tinyurl.com/21-A-Dec30th
    23/24 - http://tinyurl.com/cqpzv85
    29 - http://tinyurl.com/29-dec30th
    34 - http://tinyurl.com/34-dec30th
    43A - http://tinyurl.com/43A-dec30th

    1. I can answer my own question about these. These are the timetable changes for Mon-Fri.

      8 - Some minor timetable changes with the 6.15 & 6.40 trips from Royal Parade operating 5mins later.
      14D - Operating 5 minutes earlier most likely to better connect with the retimed 21s.
      21/A/B - 21B is to be withdrawn and partly replaced with extra peak trips on the 21.
      23 - 0630 from Royal Parade Mon-Fri is to operate 5 minutes earlier.
      29 - 0720 from Royal Parade Mon-Fri is to operate... you guessed it! 5 mins earlier.
      1945,2045,2145 and 2245 from Royal Parade M-F to operate 5 mins later. 2000,2100,2200,2300 from Derriford to operate 8 mins later Mon-Sat. No Sunday changes.
      34 - Can't see what changes these are!
      43A - Operating 10 minutes earlier throughout the day Mon-Fri outbound to Saltash.

  57. Are these guessed changes Tom?

    The 43A has proved success already by operating 10 minutes earlier.

    Used to leave Pilmere at every 05/35, now it's 55/25 - your saying that's 10 minutes earlier again?

    1. No, I've taken them from the new timetables on travelinesw.

      Times are unchanged from Pilmere though will now leave Royal Parade every 00/30.

  58. 69 now swooped and out of plain red! on the road on 61/62 today.

  59. 83 now out in swoops! On the 44 today

  60. 81 now out in swoops!

  61. Volvo B7TL 404 is now in swoops. Couldn't see if it has been converted to single door or not as it was parked in between two other deckers.

  62. 184 is currently sitting at the back of the depot with 28. 184 has its front grills missing.

    1. I caught 181 G615OTV from Derriford thisevening on the 29 and passing Milehouse I saw a yellow B10M with a front grill missing at the very back of the depot. 177 and 178 are still out and about, as are 185 F602GVO (seen on the 1643 from Derriford 42A, more on this later!), 186 F603GVO seen on the 34, and I believe G621OTV and F604GVO are still around too. Once I was on the 29 I saw a 50 behind me which given what 181 was like I really regret not catching the 50! By the time a few passengers had got on the 29 and there was still no sign of the 50 I just decided to get the 29. It would've either been G621OTV or F604GVO - I think it could've been the latter as the font/colour of the number blinds looked different to how G621 looked the other day – the 50 today had the 5 in a thick yellow and the 0 in a thick white – G621 had both the 5 and the 0 in a thinner yellow font. Geeky I know!!

      G615OTV though, is honestly without a doubt the worst sounding bus I've ever been on. It used to sound spectacular with a great ZF whine (Laurence PTOTPA posted a vid on Youtube a few years ago with a clip of it - well worth watching, just type in 'G615OTV' and that should get you there. Here's a link to it - turns out you can just play the video rather than having to download it! It’s the last one on the right.

      As for 185 F602GVO, that's definitely by far the best B10M we have, it sounds superb. Laurence again posted a video of this back in July on what we thought would be their last day - just listen to that ZF at 1.10!

      I think I can finally answer my own question about seeing B10Ms on the 1720 from Royal Parade 21B (now 'normal' 21s) - F602GVO on the 1622 from Tamerton/1643 from Derriford schoolday only run was 185. I then saw on the Embankment at around 1820 a yellow B10M heading into town - I didn't see the route number or which one it was as I was on a 21 home and it was dark, raining, moving, and only saw it from the side, so I can only assume this 1643 from Derriford 42A changes to what was the 21B and now normal 21/As. Finally I hope I've been able to answer this as it's been bugging me for ages!

      As for 184 F601GVO, it used to sound absolutely dreadful - though they've clearly done some work on it as I caught it on a 21B (the one that starts sch. days only from Chaddlewood from the 115) sounded great. Will be a shame if it's the beginning of the end for the B10Ms, though really that day's been wanting to come for the last couple of years! If they are looking to start withdrawing them, G615OTV would definitely be the first to go if it was my decision, then G621OTV, F604GVO, F603GVO, F601GVO and keep F602GVO until last - that one really does sound spectacular.

  63. ^Should've made it clearer - the link posted about G615OTV is a video I took today on my phone of it. I may aswell link to Laurence's vid of it in happier, better sounding times, which is here:


    (ZF whine at 1.00 and 2.45).

    One of our B10Ms F600GVO I have to say is the best sounding one we've had, there are plenty of videos of it on Youtube with its new owner 'Wigan Coachways' available by a quick search of 'F600GVO'.

  64. One of the new batch of ex-london PVLs is in the spray shop, in what looks like standard CityBus livery. Its fleet number is 436. Couldn't see the registration plate.

    1. Can't be long now before we see them out on the road! I wonder if we'll see any in AOAs..

    2. Standard PCB livery being swoops?

      Interesting to see what this comes out looking like.

  65. Sorry, yes, I did mean swoops when I said standard. Its still in there but doesnt have the number plate back on yet

  66. Further bit of livery 'news' - SLF 27 S127FTA has the Citybus logo missing on its front panel. I first noticed it about a month ago and saw it on Friday still like it.

    I also noticed on Friday Citybus are re-introducing the 'via' displays on their 08 Enviros. They now display the terminus and a 'via' point on separate 'pages', it's quite hard to explain so this quick gif below should help a bit!


    I assume they're trying it out on their 08 Enviros as I've not seen it on any other buses. The ones I saw were:

    33 Torpoint Ferry
    33 Via Stoke

    35 Ham
    35 Via Peverell

    45 Plymouth/Ivybridge
    45 Via Marsh Mills

    I'm guessing they're using the same 'via' point which appears on the second smaller display on their East Lancs B7s, e.g.


    The 20 does still say 'Prince Rock' as its via point - we had an East Lancs DD on the 20 yesterday and a few people did have to ask the driver 'Have you changed your route again, I thought you went through Laira' etc..

  67. In Bristol we've got 32686 (WX56HKB) in the new livery out of Bath P&R.

  68. At a guess, and looking at where 431 and 436 fall, if done numerically, the fleet numbers will be:

    430 - W463 WGH
    431 - W483 WGH
    432 - W493 WGH
    433 - X501 EGK
    434 - X546 EGK
    435 - X568 EGK
    436 - X571 EGK
    437 - X702 EGK
    As I say, this is only guess work, but does seem logical

  69. Sister busES to X-EGK batch Plymouth CityBus have aquired are X595 EGK and X502 EGK and these are now with Coaches Excetera in Surrey (Ex-GA London PVL195 and PVL200)

  70. 436 has been converted to single door. 431 still dual door

  71. 435 is X568 EGK, and is converted to single door

  72. 433 is X501 EGK

  73. 437 is X702 EGK

  74. 434 is X546 EGK

  75. 430 is W463 WGH, which means 432 must be W493 WGH

  76. 433 X501EGK is repainted into swoops. Five were sitting on the Engineering line this afternoon all repainted. 435 was parked on the end so was able to see clearly what the swoops livery looks like on the PVLs - personally I don't think it suits it brilliantly, makes them look extremely 'chunky'.

  77. All the latest batch of second hand PVL are painted into swoops. With at least 434 and 436 converted to single door. And at least 431 remaining dual door

  78. Sister buses to CityBus ex PVLs are W498 WGH and W507 WGH - these are with Southern Vectis and are painted up in Go South Coast livery and on load from Damory.
    Damory also have Y704 TGH and Y739 TGH, sisters to now CiyBus 437.

  79. Is Dennis Dart T128EFJ really being assessed for possible repair. The bus is dumped at the back of Milehouse and appears to little more than a rotting hulk. Can anyone confirm if it is going to be returned to service or if it has an imminent date with the oxy-acetylene cutting torch ?

    1. The last I heard was that it was the intention to repair it but it was a long term job - and would be done inbetween other jobs as and when time permitted - they have been doing a lot of work on the incoming DDs etc which has taken priority. I guess it must still be worth repairing?

  80. As far as I am aware 128 is being used for parts only and will not be returning to service.

  81. First now have Devon on the sides of 33666 and 33658 as well as 33659. Also Devon in small above the doors by the logo.

  82. 86 is now out in swoops, was on the 41 this morning

  83. CityBus 86 now in swoops, has been a about a week. All the first PR buses are now Devon.

  84. CityBus

    87 is now out on the road, was running the 40 this evening
    403 is now in swoops, but is not back in service yet
    64 is in the spray shop looks like the next one to swooped! (im pretty sure its 64)

    1. 64 is in the body shop having its windscreens replaced after a bus reversed into it!!

  85. Maybe 64 will come out looking like a new bus, with a new windscreen and a new paint job! I guess we wait and see!

  86. 64 now in swoops, was out on the 50 this afternoon - must have literally come out of the depot onto the street, the wheels were still bright silver. There is another Citaro in (it is not 92 or 89)

  87. Citybus has some new optare versas in the 2 reds livery, not sure how many or what year they where built, I just caught a passing view as I drove pass the depot.

  88. Jordan - the Versa is a demonstrator, there is only one here, in plain red with citybus logo on it. Often working 45s. Its a 62 plate bus.

    Graham - The next bus out of the spray shop is 93

  89. The next bus in the spray shop is 66

  90. 66 has been painted, but not out in service yet. 76 seems to be the next bus in the spray shop.

  91. 93 still off the road in swoops after the electrical fire on the A38 the other week. 89 left the paint shop today in swoops too.

  92. Had a feeling it was 89 in the shop, process of allimination! Hopefully 93 will have its problems solved soon. Anyhow, 76 is out and finished too. Also, I'm pretty sure one of the new Enviro 400 has arrived, it was parked out the front in plain red on friday morning, i was driving down the other side of the road so couldn't get close enough.

  93. 79 is the next one in the spray shop

  94. All the Volvo B10Ms 177, 178, 181, 182 and 187 are all withdrawn and are parked down the Lower Yard at Milehouse. 184, 185 and 186 have all had ticket machines and radios etc removed, 184 has had the drivers window removed aswell as some downstairs seats, and 186 is full of water upstairs!!

  95. There is a Citaro in the spray shop which is 90 or 92
    The most recent repaints in order were 64, 66, 76, 89, 79 (still in) 90 or 92 (now in)

  96. 79 is out of the spray shop this afternoon. The Citario that was in there and sanded down is 90.
    This afternoon, one of the new Enviro 400 is receiving route banding for the 21!!

  97. One of the newish citaro bendy buses for Eden project seen doing some testing around Plymouth earlier..... Broke down soon after at milehouse.

  98. 79 out and about in swoops today on the 43B.

  99. One of the remaining unpainted Citaros is in the spray shop today

    1. Will be 92 then as 94 was on the 50 today.

  100. 143, 144, 145 and 146 are to have the Route branding for 45 taken off the back. 144 and 146 have already been done. Leaves a bit of a nasty glue mark though.

  101. 92 confirmed as the one in the spray shop, he has the fleet number back on today

    The new Enviro 400 double deckers will enter service on September 1st under 63-plate registration.

  102. 92 was out of the paintshop by Saturday, this was when I first saw it on the 50.

    N109UTT is withdrawn & declared SORN and is down the Lower Yard next to the withdrawn yellow Volvo DDs. Has already had some seats stripped out. N110UTT is still off the road with the floor split in two.

    1. Wonder if the PCTPG will have N109 UTT

  103. N109UTT is withdrawn with a rotten chassis. It will never be on the road again.

  104. why was 28 withdrawn

    1. It was badly damaged by a drain cover being forced up in heavy rain causing considerable damage to the underside of the bus. It was hoped to repair the bus over time as and when there was spare capacity in the workshops but I dont think we will see her back in service now. She remains at Milehouse but has been heavily stripped of useful parts

  105. I see according to the fleet list 28 is being assessed for repair, what is the outcome as she has sat there for a long time now and why was she withdrawn in the first place was it accident damage

  106. Anon, your answer lies here
    It was involved in an incident with an exploding man hole cover two years ago

  107. What a shame about no 28 as she was a nice bus ,But we can still live in hope as stipped parts can be replaced by new parts

  108. Bring back the old Bedfords anything go wrong just hit it with a hammer there all fixed

  109. Just a few updates:

    N110UTT I can confirm is NOT withdrawn - the floor has been repaired fully and was on A-Track last Sunday.
    N109UTT is still down the Lower Yard confirmed withdrawn due to a rotten chassis.
    93 is still in the Raised Depot still very much off the road.
    185 F602GVO has been preserved by the PCTPG.
    181 is in the Raised Depot (and has been for some time!), 184, 186 and 187 are all down the Lower Yard very much withdrawn.

  110. Kingfisher has lost her colours! First have repainted 40002. Instead of Devon it has Torpoint written on the side.

  111. First has 34175 (seen here in 2009: http://www.flickr.com/photos/iantherev/3185265112/ ) in service on the 6 today - is this a sign of investment?
    Also in town today (12/10/13 11am to 2pm):
    - Good loading on the Blue Flash 12 out bound, about 1.15/1.20 this afternoon.
    - 40581, 50583 and 40584 have all lost their Tavy Links branding
    - 61 services turned into 43As
    - 33 turned into 43B
    - 28s once reaching town go back out as 28s and 27s as 27s. 74, 75, 76, 79 and 18 were running on these today

    1. Yep, the 27/28 only change into the other one at Derriford if that makes sense, e.g. a 27 arriving at Royal Parade returns to Derriford as a 27, then at Derriford changes into a 28, goes back out as a 28 and at Derriford returns as a 27 - same for the 29/34s.

      The 61/62 indeed do change with the 43As, and the 33 changes into a 43B

      Yes the 27/28 do absurdly seem to have several 54 plate Darts on them - together with not one, but FOUR deckers taken off the 21, supposedly to go on the 32. They've probably been replaced by 'Citaros' as I have seen one or two of these however elderly T/X reg Darts are not at all uncommon - I sincerely hope this is only temporary until the newly acquired PVLs enter service - the 1815 21 to Plympton had a daily standing load in a decker and I've seen some extremely full loads on the Darts! Time will tell.

  112. don't ask me which number it was but saw one of the yellow Volvo BVO-50 Alexanders leaveing Milehouse minus its roof ,it was driven under its own power ,was it being driven to scrap or component recovery

    1. I expect this to be 182, recently preserved, possibly heading to Colebrook(PCTPG). I suspect Mike Hudson of the PCTPG will confirm this

  113. Had a ride home on 134 today, wow the vibration is terrible as bad if not worse than 74 and 78.
    Why do the engineers let them out like this?

    1. I can only assume they're unaware of it! 78 though is by far the worst - with 74 not too far behind. Not had 134 for a while though.

  114. mike hudson pctpg15 October 2013 at 20:49

    yes you are correct! it is indeed 182. it has been converted to open top for tree lopping duties, so we don't have to use 458, as this is going to start restoration soon. look out for it on a road near you!

  115. how maney ex London double deckers have arrived recently are there any plans for single deckers to come down

  116. 94 is now swooped and out on the road (all citaros now done). There is another dart in the spray shop

  117. 59 is in the spray shop all swooped. N110UTT is officially back on the road - was on 27/28s today.

  118. Just to update, 94 is in swooped, and was done before 59. Both are out on the road. Wonder whats next!!

  119. 85 isn't done??

  120. No! 85 was the first of the Citaro repaints - and received the then-new Go Ahead livery with the dark red front which was quickly dropped in favour of the current red with swoop. I caught it today so I know is def in the darker red livery.

  121. Volvo deckers 184, 186 and 187 have all left Milehouse, presumably they've been sold. 178, 182, and 185 have been preserved. Just 181 left at Milehouse.

  122. 184, 186 and 187 have all been sold to North West Bus Sales. 181 is probably just awaiting collection. They were all in the Raised Depot last Friday (25th Oct) presumably being tested/prepared for the sale/collection. Nice to see someone's still after them - they were amazingly good vehicles, their only real fault is the step-entrance floor!

  123. is Citybus using any of the new intake of ex London Volvo B7TL s as I see one in the city centre today all red with a blue on the back corners it had no markings on it

    1. Are you sure about what you saw...from your description it sounds like a Western Greyhound ex Stagecoach London Alexander bodied Trident working on the 576.

    2. it could have been as I saw it again on Monday on Western Approach from a distance it looked the same as the PresIdent bodied B7TL But it could have been a Trident as very similar ,how meney Trident do Western Greyhound have

    3. At least 8 - these being Y437NHK (Green), Y445/7/522/4NHK, LX51FLZ/FMG and FNN. (there may be others)
      Double deckers recently became the norm on the 576, but has now reverted to mainly Optare Solo operation.

  124. On Thurs 7 Nov Y437NHK allover green and Y524NHK in as received London red/blue were working on the 576, no blinds or identification.

  125. How much did Citybus pay Ray Stenning or designing the new livery with a dark red front? Whatever it was, tit would seem to have been money wasted. In my view the only thing wrong with the Ray Stenning was that the maroon colour was too dark - it did not look like a Citybus vehicle coming - it wasn't obviously red. Where the Ray Stenniing livery looks really smart is on the new Wright-bodies buses on the Ernesettle service - possibly because there is enough chrome on the front to relieve the dark colour.


  126. Some sister bus news:
    CityBus has Y808TGH (426), Y812TGH (427), Y813TGH (428), Y814TGH (442), Y816TGH (439), Y827TGH (429), Y828TGH (425) and Y735TGH (438).
    Sister buses to these plates are mainly still in London.
    Y824TGH has been converted to an open top bus
    Y803TGH, Y805TGH, Y806TGH, Y829TGH, Y831TGH-Y866TGH are all SWB SLF Darts
    Y801TGH and Y802TGH are Double Deckers, same as the ones now with CityBus
    No trace on google of Y800TGH, Y804TGH, Y807TGH and Y830TGH

  127. On Saturday, first were operating 41795, a marshall bodies bus, on a short run 93, this was about 2pm

  128. You'd have thought a small, up-coming company would pull out all the stops and put on decent buses on their main routes! So why do Jackett's coaches insist on using vehicles that are barely roadworthy? I was waiting for the 52 on Wednesday and it didn't turn up! Turns out it broke down! The same happened on Thursday! Also, I saw a bus with damage to the rear bumper, but instead of fixing it, they taped it up with Duct Tape! And finally, their buses are filthy dirty and look like they haven't been cleaned in months! In future, I will NOT be using this company again.

    1. Sorry Anonymous I have never used Jacketts so cant coment on the cleanliness of the vehicles but you do get dirty passengers I rode on one of the new Citybus 21s and there were drink cans thrown around on a brand new bus that was down to passengers not careing two hoots

  129. I did see a Dennis Dart on the Embankment today it was red and yellow with Going HOME on the destination blind it was in bound for either the city centre or Plymstock

    1. This is N207NNJ, a 1996 Dart previously with Brighton with a Jacketts notice in the window.

    2. I have seen this same bus running along Millar way towards Asda does it now belong to Target Travel

  130. 34003 continues in services after Christmas. This morning it is running a 93 to Dartmouth.

  131. Re comments of 9th December regards Jackett's:- Why do all their buses look so shabby and look as they are on the way to the scrap yard? Yes they are "a small fish in a big pond" and don't have the resources of the "big boys" however there is no excuse for poorly presented buses. Even some of the poorer condition First buses look much better than most of the Jackett's fleet. Some of the front-line Jackett's staff don't even dress smartly.

    Perhaps if a few complaints were made directly to them, there might be an improvement?

  132. I have seen 34003 loads of times seems to be running very well souns great

  133. 181 G615OTV has left Milehouse and has been sold to North West Bus Sales, this was sometime in late December as it was still here on December 14th. So there we go - the Student Link Volvo's reign with Citybus really is finally over - along with step-entrance vehicles, with 181 being the last ever step-entrance Citybus owned vehicle to be at Milehouse. (Apart from open topper 358!)

  134. 93 is back on the road. It was out on the 50 on Sunday just gone.

  135. 517 definatelty in Red Flash, and was out on the road this morning on 21 (7/3/14). I think it was HHV or HHW, but I was going around the roundabout when i saw it

  136. WG63 HHW is 517 and WG63 is HHV, saw them both on 21/21A this morning. 520 is in swoops, and was also on 21/21A today. Got to go out again later will update is I spot 519 or plate of 520.

    429 was also on 21/21A today (but I supppose sometimes advert wraps buses are going to be used on all route to advertise their product across the city, so I can see reason behind 429 being on 21/21A).

    Also, interesting, First had a double decker (32755) on the 4 today which was unusual. Citybus had 408 or 409 on route 23.
    5 and 5As on the Plymstock side far busier than First 2s and 93s, on the ones I saw anyway.

  137. 520 is in Plymouth Citybus Swoop Livery, looks a lot nice than the Red Flash Livery, seen it last 2 days in row on the 21/ 21A

  138. CityBus Darts 1 to 4 (and possibly no. 5) parked in Raised Depot at Milehouse with 'do not cannibalise' stickers on their windscreens. Looks like they really are in the reserve fleet now.

  139. N101UTT-N105UTT were withdrawn last weekend on March 8th.

  140. 100 was on the 12 today in place of on of the normal Blue Flash Enviros. I do prefer the Wright/Volvo than the Enviros.

  141. One of the X-reg MPD's was seen on the 79A in Tavistock, to be honest I though they might of used 1, 2 and 3, also does anyone know where the Scania single-decks are going to be in service?

  142. Supposedly withdrawn Dart N102UTT was out on the 42 this morning, Tuesday 25th March

    1. most back in service while Citybus help cover DAC duties in Cornwall

  143. The mini darts are used on the 79 etc because of the narrow lanes in and around harrowbarrow

    1. The width of the roads didn't seem to worry First or Ford's when they were running through Harrowbarrow - both used double-deckers. First occasionally used a VR on the 96 which went once a week to Plymouth using the loop Harrowbarrow - Cotehele Quay - Bohetherick - St. Dominick and Ford'e used a double-decker (an East Kent Regent, then a Fleetline (I think; it may have been an Atlantean) on the Callington School contract which used the same route. I remember going from Harrowbarrow to Plymouth once on a Lynx - it was quite tight on the way home getting round the bend just above St. Dominick Park residential site. Also unusual - on the way in an inspector got on at St. Mellion and checked everyone's ticket. I remember, too, driving up past the Who'd Have Thought It in St. Dominick and meeting a VR on the 96 stopped by a roadside stall so that passengers could get off and buy fruit and vegetables; that was a regular stop on this service.

      I think now that the main problem in Harrowbarrow is not the width of the road but parjked cars.

      Happy days!


  144. When I was young, the original route the 623 Fords Travel route used a mixture of Ford, Leyland and Volvo Coaches as well as the Fleetline, definately a Fleetline, and the Regent was only brought out on very special occasions.

    First used to use a VR or more usually a Leopard or Tiger on the 96, which was a Tuesday only shoppers service.

    When Western National started the route we now know, it was a school only route 99 using VR's through Calstock and my home village to Callington, then other journeys were added along the route using a Lynx on all other journeys. Eventually got renumbered to 79 in about 1998

    If parking was sorted out there would be no problemwi th larger

  145. Harrowbarrow - Cotehele Quay - Bohetherick - St. Dominick i have seen artics use this roads , i have had my own 30foot buses being towed by huge tow lorry. come both ways along those roads, maybe lorry drivers are better drivers, i could easily get a SPD along the 79 and 79A

  146. PCB are using MPD's and WGH using Varios, because they don't need the long busses on those routes due to the low usage of the route.

  147. A FDC Volvo B6 came up Admiralty street at 23:30 couldn't see the number, does anyone know what it was (Friday the 4th of April)

    1. likely a road test after maintenance.

  148. low usage! it carries more people than the 32! as it is a country route mpd's are better suited to it, but if a breakdown occurred buses 1 to 12 are available as spares. I know this as I has to upload the route info into the blinds

    1. What doesn't carry more people than the 32?

  149. There was a accident on saltash road with the toad closed so prob a diverted 3?

  150. My car carries more people then the 32 Mike! Lol

  151. The area outside the depot had this line up today:
    370: PF06 ENL - Front against wall, sanded down but still in green and blue
    35: I guess awaiting fault fixing
    141: As 35
    450: X507 EGK - I had 450 stuck inside the window printed on a piece of paper, still in London Livery
    442: Y814 TGH - Painted in Swoops
    73: As 35
    416: As 35 but with bottom part of front panel under windscreen missing

  152. http://www.ukbuses.co.uk/fleet/plymouthcitybus.pdf shows regs and fleet numbers up to 453. Not sure if they are all correct, but 450 does match what I saw lined up today (see post above)

  153. Fleet news:
    CityBus: 453 is Y826 TGH
    First: 40580, 40038 and 42779 all withdrawn and being cannabalised to fix others. (40580 probably explains the speedway repair recently done on 40582, that and a lick of paint (40580 was in Barbie))

  154. R464 CCV is in FDC new colours

  155. So is R463 CCV!

  156. Sorry I have made a mistake, it was R463 CCV 42463, just seen it today on the 4!


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