08 February 2025

Mayflower Street Diversions

A look back at the last weeks worth of notices that have come through.

We have the cancellations for Citybus and Dartline for the services that have transferred to Stagecoach along with a couple of small timetable changes for the 35 and 41 in March

Stagecoach have to redirected their routes to avoid Mayflower Street for a few weeks due to the roadworks.

As usual you can click through for more details and timetables.

 Licence  Route  Start Point  End Point  Effective  Notes Operator
PH1020951.249 1 1A 1S X1 Plymouth / Sherford Tavistock - George P&R 10-Feb-2025 For the duration of the road closure in Mayflower Street the Inbound 1 / 1A service will divert from North Cross roundabout right down Western Approach. This will be from Monday 10th Feb 2025 STAGECOACH DEVON LTD
PH0000135.290 14 Derriford Hospital City Centre 31-Mar-2025 Cancel. Tendered service transfers to Stagecoach PLYMOUTH CITYBUS LTD
PH0005305.067 20 Seaton, Marine Place Richard Huish College, Taunton 06-Jan-2025 Cancel. Tendered service transfers to Stagecoach DEALTOP LIMITED
PH1020951.420 30 31 Plymouth Royal Parade Hartley Vale 10-Feb-2025 For the duration of the road closure in Mayflower Street the Inbound 30 / 31 service will divert from Coburg Street, to North Cross roundabout then right down Western Approach. This will be from Monday 10th Feb 2025 STAGECOACH DEVON LTD
PH0000135.042 35 35A City Centre City Centre 30-Mar-2025 On weekdays retime 1845 from Royal Parade to 1835 to improve headway. Sundays & Bank Holidays, withdraw 0700 journey PLYMOUTH CITYBUS LTD
PH0000135.304 41 Plymouth Southway 31-Mar-2025 Revise timetable to match tender specification. Revise classification to fully supported. PLYMOUTH CITYBUS LTD
PH0005305.058 118 Okehampton, Railway Station Tavistock Bus Station 05-Jan-2025 Cancel. Tendered service transfers to Stagecoach DEALTOP LIMITED
PH1020951.368 200 Coypool Park & Ride Plymouth, Royal Parade 10-Feb-2025 For the duration of the road closure in Mayflower Street the Inbound 200 service will divert from Coburg Street, to North Cross roundabout then right down Western Approach. This will be from Monday 10th Feb 2025 STAGECOACH DEVON LTD
PH0005305.059 369 Morchard Bishop, Greenway Exeter, Sidwell Street 05-Jan-2025 Cancel. Tendered service transfers to Stagecoach DEALTOP LIMITED




  1. Citybus has confirmed that the 43A has been reintroduced, however I don’t see the point of it following the

    1. Seems pointless. There are already loads of buses on that corridor already between Stagecoach and Citybus. Seems they are just using the drivers from the lost tender routes, 13,14 and 27 perhaps?

  2. It could be that Stagecoach won't be operating to Holly Park on the 13, and CityBus are diverting one 43 an hour there instead. We shall see!

    1. That would benefit so many people & hopefully it would run until a reasonable hour

    2. The registration for the Stagecoach 13 gives end point as Whitleigh so I assume this is Holly Park

    3. I havent heard that? why not extend the 44 to holly park? serve the green, down to holly park, into taunton avenue then on into town!

    4. It shows on VOSA website under Stagecoach Devon ''new' . Also there us the 14, 19 and 27.


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