27 September 2024

Western National Kingsbridge 2024

Last Saturday saw the 17th Kingsbridge Vintage Bus Day organised by the Thames Valley & Great Western Omnibus Trust.  Despite a forecast of thunderstorms the weather turned out dry and sunny.  Around 42 buses operated the usual mix of services radiating from Kingsbridge across the South Hams. Mark Bailey sent in some great shots from the day. The first batch concentrates on Western National…

Western National 2015

Western National 2015 (HOD 66) Beadle - Bedford / Beadle departing on service 99 to South Pool.

Western National 1056

Western National 1056 (OTA 290G) Bristol VRTSL6G / ECW arriving on service 105 from Salcombe.

Western National 600

Western National 600 (672 COD) Bristol SUS4A / ECW having worked service 106 from East Allington and about to head home to Loddiswell on service 103.

Western National 1557

Western National 1557 (FDV 787V) Bristol LHS6L / ECW about to work the Coast Path Hopper service 158.

All © Mark Bailey.

Thanks as always to Mark for the photos – another batch to follow over the weekend…

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