
23 March 2024

North West to South West

This weekend has seen a massive movement of buses across the country as big changes take place in Manchester. One small part of this has been the delivery to Plymouth Citybus of 9 ADL Enviro 200s from Go North West fleet numbers 4011 to 4019

GNW Reg Chassis Body Seats New
4011 SK15GXZ Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F May 2015
4012 SN16OGU Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Apr 2016
4013 YY16YJV Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B38F Nov 2016
4014 YY66PCU Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016
4015 YY66PCV Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016
4016 YY16PDO Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016
4017 YY66PDU Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016
4018 YY66PFJ Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016
4019 YY66PFK Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016

Thanks to Jason for a few photos of the buses as they came down

Incoming Plymouth Citybus

Incoming Plymouth Citybus

Incoming Plymouth Citybus

Incoming Plymouth Citybus

There are options for a further 5 to follow if required by Citybus. Best guess on fleet numbers if they are staying in Plymouth 172-180.  Will be good to see these out earning their keep in Plymouth so they can see off some of the older Enviros 200s.  Will be interesting to see if any enter service in orange and blue or they wait for a full repaint.


  1. Looks like more second hand rattle boxes, probably fall apart after a month, clearly no intention from PCB in relation to buying brand new ones, again PCB will go the way of Western National within 5 years if things are allowed to carry on

    1. I assume you missed the 2026 electric bus announcement.

    2. Thought it is investing in shedloads brand new ZEBRA2 EVs?

    3. So completely ignoring the recent announcement of fifty brand-new electric buses for Plymouth then .....

    4. Erm don't you read the news? 50 brand new electric double deckers coming by Jan 2026. These E200s are decent buses and were only repainted 2 or 3 years ago. PCB could for a change make use of the colour scheme and just put them straight onto the old Greenflash route.

    5. Odds on these somehow making their way to Cornwall, despite Plymouth being in desperate need for them!

    6. CityBus seem to love painting buses or wrapping them in future landfill vinyl, but seem to pay little attention to their mechanical or structural state and none to their interiors.

    7. Pretty unlikely theses will end up in Cornwall as they wouldn't replace any single deckers which are younger, i don't believe. 134, 161-168 are the buses being replaced as far as i'm aware. Some say the Citaros are leaving the driving fleet, not sure how true that is however

    8. Why would the Citaros leave the training fleet? What would replace them.... I'm surprised they're getting rid of 161, it's an ideal bus for the smaller routes ,ie the dartmoor routes, and some of the 136-146 e200's aren't in much better nick

    9. 161 is a spare vehicle at this point and was only retained from previously being place in reserve after one of the 8.9 MMC's had to go to Cummins for repair. Honestly more surprised it's stayed in service

    10. True, I think part of me keeps forgetting that even though its an 09 plate its well over 10 years old and is at the point of replacement, I’ve not been on it in ages so cant remember / say what condition its in internally

    11. Citaros are leaving the training fleet. 134 etc to join after 172-180 are ready to join the fleet.

  2. Graham, 4013 should be YY, rather than YJ...

    1. Thanks G for the correction

    2. Yeah probably is second hand rattle boxes after 8 year old busses

  3. The electric one s the government are paying for if it was not for that we definitely would not be getting new busses

    1. hardly anyone has been buying new buses recently apart from these large governments grants. At then end of the day it dont matter who is paying for them, its still a massive injection of new buses for Plymouth. It was only a few years ago we got a load of new buses for Cornwall, a fair few of them operating into Plymouth.

    2. The government is only funding 75% of the cost difference of buying an EV compared to a diesel. The remaining £22 million for the 50 bus order is being paid for by Go Ahead with some funding by Plymouth City Council as stated in PCC Zebra 2 funding application. It might be nice if these anon users actually researched before posting on here all the time.

    3. Agreed James, GA as a Group are massively involved in general bulk EV/HV purchases - but like was said, without the Govt grant to assist with the costing, would probably not be happening quite as quickly.

  4. The e200 are 8 years old

  5. Do we know which additional five would follow? as far as i know there aren't many E200s left at GNW now, especially not of 65+ plate

    1. According to bustimes, the 5 showing as not painted into BN are 4034(16), 4036 (17), 4038-40 (67) all diamond bus blue atm...could be possible

    2. they're an option, for sure.

  6. The electric buses will actually be second hand cast offs, typical of PCB, time for an all out boycott of PCB

    1. @anon 24/03 @2221 - this is absolutely incorrect. The electric vehicles will be brand new, delivered to service in 2025. Your claim they will be second hand cast offs is completely incorrect, for a start, it is not permitted under the ZEBRA funding terms. The vehicles will be Enviro 400EVs.

    2. Not sure what planet you're on, but i'm pretty sure the buses have to be new from a Govt scheme...

    3. @anon 24/03 22:21 surely better to say nothing than spout nonsense that you must surely know is incorrect.


    4. @ anon 22:21 the 50 electrics are brand new. due to the backlog at the manufacturers, they wont be here till 2025. the infrastructure has to be fitted first as well. these GNW E20D's are replacing 134, 162 to 166. 162 to 166 are going into the training school to see off the citaros. eventually further E20D's will see off the 08 plate e200s.

  7. Very late model original style E200s, still produced when the E200MMC was in full production.

    1. What has that got to do with anything? Some of the comments really are strange at the moment!

    2. Maybe anon25/03/24@1430 comment is to do with the title heading.
      On subject of electric buses are we going to open a sweepstake on what operator has the 1st to self combust

    3. "North West to South West" doesn't give anything away... and lets not talk about bus fires, they happen to diesels too you know...

    4. @TheBusGuy agreed. I get why Graham allows them but most of them are getting silly or spam. Some even seem to be the same person replying them themselves, maybe it's about time all comments came from registered users only?

    5. @thebusguy @1531. What is so strange about commenting that the incoming E200s (ie the subject of this post!) are very late original models? I'd say your comment(s) are a lot stranger!

  8. I do try to keep a light hand on the comment filtering. I have stopped one or two going through for personal comments, insults etc. Some of the anti GA / PCB comments are laughable I agree. Maybe I should stop the totally negative ones that dont actually say anything useful?

    1. it's a tough place to be in your shoes at times i can imagine - nothing wrong with healthy debate, but some comments are just ridiculous :D

    2. You do a great job with the filtering , Graham. Always difficult striking a balance. However, it's somewhat ironic that some of those accusing others of making strange comments are themselves at it!

  9. As has been stated by myself and others due to social media policy's a employee of a operator that is debated about on here and any group could comment on something that could lead to disciplinary action leading to dismisal for misconduct so is it better to vet comments and stop the trolls then everyone having to id themselves and risk sanctions.
    I was driving at 1430 on the 25th(and my tacho would prove it) but did comment as anon 1954 as to me what anon 1430 comments were made total sense.

    1. I fully understand the need to comment as anonymous - and have no intention if stopping these.

    2. i don't think anyone is aiming anything at anyone in particular - and certainly not saying that anonymous comments should be turned off. there's some strange things being said without context. Stating these are E200s and not E200MMCs for example, is quite obvious - if not a slight dig at these being sent instead of some E200MMCs? at this moment in time, i dont think PCB is in any position to refuse any "newer than what they currently have" models.

    3. Totally agree about the challenges of moderation. My red line anywhere is when comments are personal or abusive. That's just rudeness, there's no excuse for it and it's usually something you wouldn't say face to face to someone. It's simply self-discipline that's needed!

    4. I have no problem with Anon comments when there is a genuine need. It's comments such as " 22:21
      The electric buses will actually be second hand cast offs, typical of PCB, time for an all out boycott of PCB" you only have to look at the announcement to see it's brand new buses to be ordered by 2026. or "On subject of electric buses are we going to open a sweepstake on what operator has the 1st to self combust" completely random. or "Looks like more second hand rattle boxes, probably fall apart after a month, clearly no intention from PCB in relation to buying brand new ones, again PCB will go the way of Western National within 5 years if things are allowed to carry on" To me all 3 of these comments marked Anon appear to be the same person with no traceability! Graham runs this site alone in his own personal time, it's completely unfair he should be spending a lot of time moderating silly anon comments.

  10. Though they are are the old model as I bet they were far cheaper to purchase than new E200MMC's at the time, but even so, the 66-plate E200's are much improved over an 06 E200 lets say. Like a car, the model's are updated frequently to keep them attractive to prospective customers. I for one welcome these transfers, the current ones in Plymouth are beyond their best.

  11. JB has confirmed that plans for 134, 161-168 to be withdrawn. Some will end up in the training fleet, MB Citaros will leave. New bus numbering from 2460 to 2468.

    1. As expected then, do we know how these new E200s are getting along in terms of being put into service?

      What’s the MB?

  12. So many negative comments about them being E200s whilst the MMCs started production. Citybus is in need of newer busses, the fleet itself is falling apart. Glad these are replacing older E200s, any news on what might replace the omnidekkas or even the 06 and 07 plate e400s? I’m assuming once PCB get the EVs these will be the first to go? I adore the Dekkas, but it’s time for them to go. The E400s seem like they are about to break about when u get on them. Would some of the older E200s be put into reserve, would be good for PCB to have them in reserve as they can still function well. How many would even go into the training fleet, because surely they don’t need 5?

    1. 3 will go to training, i guess the rest will be used for parts, i dont know. no more Doubles due until the electrics arrive i believe. Again, anything can change, but certainly looks like they're going for newer buses (that are at least 10 years younger than existing) for example.


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