
28 October 2022

Mayflower Street Improvements

Planned improvements to bus facilities in the city centre look set to start next week.

New bus shelters will be installed at the bus stops on Mayflower Street, which will be widened to improve traffic flow.

More space is going to be created for the buses to use. The scheme will see:

  • A new bus stopping area with extra space to drop off passengers
  • There are currently two bus stops and one shelter. The new scheme will have two bus shelters and bus stops with space for three buses
  • Kerb adjusted to widen the road so that buses and cars can pass by when other buses have stopped
  • Street furniture removed if surplus and relocated where necessary
  • Disabled bay relocated – with details to be confirmed later
  • Eight car parking spaces removed.

Mayflower Street Simple Plan The work is being carried out to create more bus stops in the city centre ahead of major changes to the layout of Royal Parade. Some bus services – yet to be decided – will be moved to Mayflower Street permanently rather than Royal Parade to create more space and cut congestion on Royal Parade. It should also help improve air quality as fewer buses will be queuing for space.

These improvements are funded by the Department for Transport’s Transforming Cities Fund which is costing £615,000.

Traffic orders have been submitted for when the work is carried out as well as changes to traffic management after the work.

The enabling works get underway from Tuesday 1 November to 11 November and will see trenching for Western Power electricity diversions under two-way traffic lights. Four car parking spaces will be removed and the disabled parking space relocated to the end of the remaining parking spaces opposite The Early Bird.The work will be carried out in five phases

Councillor Jonathan Drean, Cabinet Member for Transport said: “We are talking to the City Centre Company, businesses – including the Copthorne Hotel – about the plans and hope to work with them on any issues they raise.

“Plymouth has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2030 so we need to encourage more people to get out of their cars and use public transport when travelling to and from the city centre. This work once complete will help alleviate congestion on Royal Parade as well as emissions build up as fewer buses will be using the bays on Royal Parade.

“We recognise that all these changes are coming in a relatively short period of time. Much of the timing is beyond our control – we’ve had a combination of the pandemic, supply issues and tight government funding time tables which means we have to do a lot of projects in the next six months or so. These changes will be worth it.”

Full article:

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Plymouth Citybus are diverting a few of their services:

SWH will be undertaking essential highway improvement works on Mayflower Street and surrounding junctions, on behalf of Plymouth City Council. The Mayflower Street Improvement Scheme will commence on Tuesday 1st November 2022 with a provisional completion date of Friday 19th May 2023.

During these works, there will be a number of diversions in place, as follows:

Bus services towards the City Centre from North Hill and Charles Street will operate via Cobourg Street, North Cross and Western Approach.

Passengers will be able to use the bus stop on Cobourg Street (closest) or at the other end of Mayflower Street as alternative stops.

Service 61 heading towards Mayflower Street/City Centre from Pennycomequick/Saltash Road Rail Station will operate via North Cross Roundabout and Western Approach to Royal Parade.

PCB Leyland Olympian 173 - Ply., Mayflower St - 1988

©Jos Van Hemert

Mayflower Street 1988!


  1. seems to be a well thought out plan change to help the travelling public by moving bus services from one central area ie royal parade to two
    areas. bit like moving a bus/coach station from an area served by most bus services to a site that is not served by any bus services. goes in hand with removing bus shelters with seats to encourage the public to travel by bus. Then you have a bus company that is unable to run it local timetable daily take on more council Services. just what Plymouth needs an integrated transport service.

    1. It's what happens with civil servants and politicians get involved in transport and those "transport companies" are cutting everything to boost shareholder profits instead of thinking about the passenger.


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