
27 January 2022

Plymouth Climate Action Plan

Plymouth City Council have recently announced the agreements to make Plymouth Greener with 114 ways that Plymouth will tackle climate change in 2022

Cllr Maddi Bridgeman, cabinet member for the environment, said in the foreword to the plan: “I have great pleasure in introducing the third Climate Emergency Action Plan in response to our declaration of a climate emergency in March 2019. I am determined that we focus on actions and not words.

“We have put in place measurable actions which will move us towards our ambition for net zero by 2030. With the impact of the pandemic and the funding constraints we are having to work within, we are nevertheless determined to achieve meaningful results on the ground.

“We know we can’t respond to the climate challenge on our own as a City Council. We will continue to work with partners, with local people and communities and with the government to do as much as we can. We also want to share good practice working with other local authorities. We know all too well that a failure to act will be a failure of leadership and will be catastrophic for our planet.”

The full list of 114 is reproduced below with the ones that get my attention highlighted in red


  • 1. Commence delivery of Phase 3 of the Green Homes Programme by improving the energy efficiency of over 150 homes by 2023
  • 2. The University of Plymouth will continue to work towards net zero emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 2025 and deliver fuel and power conversion to renewables through onsite photovoltaic and heat pump installations.
  • 3. The University of Plymouth will continue to deliver energy reduction projects (and work towards reducing mains grid electricity use by 20% and mains gas by 25% as a minimum by 2030 from 2005/06 levels) including: remaining LED lighting conversion projects; smart building management system upgrades for advanced controls; transformer replacements; big data project, using data driven analytics to reduce energy use.
  • 4. University Hospital Plymouth will work towards reducing the Trust’s carbon footprint by 20% by 2025 and reaching Net Zero Carbon by 2030
  • 5. University Hospital Plymouth will work towards achieving a 10% net biodiversity gain by 2025
  • 6. Plymouth Marjon to complete the roll out of ground source heat pumps in 44 of their student accommodation units and education buildings, saving 600 tonnes of CO2 per year when up and running in March 2022.
  • 7. Commission a biodiversity report in order to set targets and measure improvements to biodiversity on the Plymouth Marjon Campus.
  • 8. Secure planning permission for a flagship Energiesprong low carbon housing development on land at Kings Tamerton and commence on-site infrastructure works.
  • 9. Identify further housing sites in the city which could deliver exemplar low and zero carbon housing as part of the Eco Homes Programme.
  • 10. Work with the University Sustainable Earth Institute to develop a guide for developers highlighting the benefits of green walls and roofs in new housing developments and seek to ensure these are provided for in future housing schemes.
  • 11. Engage with Western Power to establish existing grid capacity and understand the impact of new development. Explore smart approaches that would reduce the impact of new developments on the electricity grid
  • 12. Work with the Plymouth Net Zero Partnership to investigate innovations in decarbonising buildings.
  • 13. Working with Plymouth Energy Community, Plymouth Community Homes and Live West, investigate opportunities to deliver EnergieSprong household retrofits in partnership with Homes England.
  • 14. Work closely with UK Green Building Council (UKGBC), review and where relevant join its low carbon campaigns and low carbon learning opportunities.
  • 15. Lobby government to provide funding support to registered providers, house builders and developers in areas of comparably lower house values like Plymouth, to meet the additional development costs of achieving net zero housing.
  • 16. Work with Local Authority Building Control to interrogate the detail of Future Homes Standards and Future Buildings Standards once they are published and lobby government for improvements where standards are considered not ambitious enough to meet the 2030 net zero commitment
  • 17. Provide advice (with Plymouth Energy Community) to in excess of 200 landlords from the private rented sector on how they can improve the energy rating of their properties
  • 18. Work with social housing providers to apply for funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, to lower the carbon emissions, reduce fuel bills and improve the comfort and health of over 100 households in the city.
  • 19. Implement an accessible web-based home assessment tool working with Plymouth Energy Community to help residents establish their eligibility for funding of energy saving upgrades by 2022.
  • 20. Provide a digital resource for households to provide information on the viability of heat pumps retrofits for a range of typical housing types in Plymouth by 2022.
  • 21. Continue the delivery of surface water drainage improvements in Central Park to reduce the risk of flooding in Central Park and Central Park Avenue.
  • 22. Commence delivery of surface water storage and Landscape Masterplanning in Trefusis Park to better protect properties in Lipson Vale and Bernice Terrace and improve park amenity and ecological value.
  • 23. Commence work to extend tidal flood defences at Arnold’s Point along the Embankment up to the rail bridge.
  • 24. Commence the delivery of improvements to protect the causeway, public footpath and tidal creek ecology at Ernesettle Creek.
  • 25. Complete the Southway to Plymbridge walking and cycling scheme
  • 26. Complete the continuation of the off-road Eastern Corridor walking and cycling route to Colesdown Hill.
  • 27. Complete construction of the Derriford Community Park cycle paths. (only because I will be looking to use these to walk to work through the Bircham Valley woodlands)
  • 28. Commence the delivery of the Coronation Avenue Scheme to promote walking and cycling within Central Park.
  • 29. Continue work on the Dockyard to City and St Budeaux to Docks cycle schemes.
  • 30. Continue development of St Budeaux Station’s Sustainable Transport Interchange.
  • 31. Commence delivery of the Woolwell to the George Transport Improvement Scheme, which will deliver an extension to segregated walking and cycling facilities along Plymouth’s Northern Corridor.
  • 32. Continue development of transport improvements along Royal Parade to enhance sustainable transport in the city centre and commence construction of preferred design.
  • 33. Continue development of transport improvements on Mayflower Street that will create more space for waiting passengers and arriving buses using both Royal Parade and Mayflower Street and commence construction of preferred design.
  • 34. Commence construction of the St Budeaux to Crownhill sustainable transport corridor
  • 35. Commence construction of the Transforming Cities flagship Mobility Hubs, which will offer a low carbon multi-modal network for travel throughout Plymouth.
  • 36. Continue development of the Plymouth Station access project to promote low-carbon forms of transport and facilitate pedestrian access between the station, the university and the city centre.
  • 37. Continue to roll out the Healthy Streets Assessments of selected city centre streets to promote better integration of public health, transport and planning in the design of streets to make them more people focussed.
  • 38. Complete the Old Town Street/New George Street public realm scheme, creating high quality walking and cycling routes through the city centre to facilitate a higher proportion of journeys by sustainable modes.
  • 39. Commence construction of the Civic Square public realm scheme, creating high quality walking and cycling routes through the city centre.
  • 40. Complete design work on the Armada Way public realm scheme, creating more opportunities for walking and cycling routes through the city centre.
  • 41. Continue to expand the Local Cycling and Walking Implementation Plan by another 5 routes.
  • 42. Undertake a car free day to support residents to walk, cycle and use public transport, rather than the car, for regular journeys they make
  • 43. Continue to support up to 30 local businesses to develop facilities for active travel through Workplace Travel Grants.
  • 44. Continue to bid for Department for Transport funds to deliver active travel schemes.
  • 45. Deliver tranche 3 of the Active Travel Fund to provide
  • 46. Deliver a feasibility study on how the Plymouth Health Sector can link to the Council’s wider walking and cycling programmes through a social prescription programme.
  • 47. Secure Mini Holland project funding in order to deliver a feasibility study considering how Plymouth Communities can be designed to facilitate greater levels of walking and cycling and less reliance on the private car.
  • 48. In response to the National Bus Strategy, develop a Bus Service Improvement Plan and form an Enhanced Partnership with public transport providers to include targets to substantially increase public transport patronage and bus reliability.
  • 49. As part of the Bus Service Improvement Plan, give consideration to the role of existing Park & Ride facilities as a means of encouraging mode switch to public transport for part of the journey
  • 50. Complete the development of Morlaix Drive to provide better bus access to Derriford Hospital, improving service reliability. (work has already started on this I believe)
  • 51. Submit the Bus Service Improvement Plan which will include a bid for a share of Government funding set aside for the purchase by local bus operators of zero emission buses, including the purchase of electric mini buses to support Access Plymouth demand responsive services.
  • 52. Continue to input into the Decarbonising Strategy of Peninsula Transport which will require an assessment of scenarios for transitioning to low carbon and Net- Zero mobility futures, including a phased plan outlining the steps required to achieve transition either through reducing miles travelled by motorised vehicles or reducing carbon emitted per mile travelled.
  • 53. In partnership with Network Rail discuss the feasibility for investing in creating more opportunities for rail freight delivery to and from the city.
  • 54. Contribute to the Peninsula Transport Regional Rail and Freight Strategy, to develop a plan for more efficient distribution of goods across the region.
  • 55. Engage with taxi drivers to understand the barriers to the adoption of electric vehicles and develop a programme of support and promotion.
  • 56. Deliver further charging infrastructure for electric powered boats.
  • 57. Lobby government to consider fiscal incentives to support home and flexible working for businesses in the city
  • 58. Lobby government to increase the proportion of Department of Transport capital funding delegated to local authorities
  • 59. Lobby government to review vehicle exercise duty in order to encourage a switch to sustainable transport modes
  • 60. Review the government’s Transport Decarbonisation Plan and identify opportunities in Plymouth for future climate emergency initiatives and actions.
  • 61. Continue to liaise with the Plymouth Cycling Campaign to ensure the experiences for cyclists in the city are improved
  • 62. Publish an Electric Vehicle Chargers Inclusion and Accessibility Design Guide to raise the standard and consistency of facilities in the city
  • 63. Work with the Plymouth Net Zero Partnership to investigate innovations in fleet technologies
  • 64. Work with the University of Exeter and the University of Plymouth Sustainable Earth Institute to identify opportunities for research into clean transport technology.
  • 65. Progress proposals to connect Civic Centre to the city centre low carbon heat network
  • 66. Assess the feasibility of marine source heat pumps at various sites around Plymouth.
  • 67. Assess the feasibility of heat networks in Barne Barton and Derriford.
  • 68. Test the yield from ground source wells in Millbay to provide low carbon heat
  • 69. Secure planning permission for a Community Solar Farm at Chelson Meadow in partnership with Plymouth Energy Community (PEC), with a view to deliver a 13.2MW array
  • 70. Research waste reduction and barriers to recycling in Plymouth using community feedback and service data to inform a new campaign on waste reduction and recycling to improve the quality and quantity of Plymouth’s household recycling.
  • 71. Improve waste collection route planning to reduce failure demand by optimising the use of national and local data.
  • 72. Continue to work with partners to ensure that, where practical and economical, recyclable material is processed and recycled in the UK – with a preference for the South West peninsula.
  • 73. Work with the Government to evaluate the 2018 Resource and Waste Strategy and 2021 Environment Act to ensure local authorities are provided with effective powers and additional resources.
  • 74. Engage schools through development of Plymouth education and activity resources to increase recycling and re-use
  • 75. Work with ‘Borrow, Don’t Buy: Plymouth’s Library of Things’ to highlight opportunities to repair and re-use tools and develop skills.
  • 76. University Hospital Plymouth will work towards recording an 85% avoidance of waste going to landfill by 2025.
  • 77. University Hospital Plymouth will work towards embedding sustainability into every Trust service and activity by 2025
  • 78. Plymouth Marjon to create student sustainability champions in order to increase student engagement
  • 79. Plymouth Marjon to organise a climate crisis event for staff and students
  • 80. The University of Plymouth will support Plymouth enterprises to shift to a low-carbon economy through the Sustainability Hub: Low Carbon Devon project.
  • 81. The University of Plymouth will support the management of the Future Plymouth 2030 webinar series and the delivery of presentations on the latest research.
  • 82. The University of Plymouth will utilise and grow the usage of the Sustainability Hub for engagement with staff, students and the local partners around the Net-Zero Carbon agenda.
  • 83. Continue the delivery of the Future Parks Accelerator Programme and associated projects to deliver nature-based improvements to strategic green spaces across the city.
  • 84. Working with the creative and cultural sectors continue to deliver the Green Minds engagement programme, to support residents to take action for wildlife.
  • 85. Deliver a nature-based leadership programme to bring together people from different sectors who share an interest in preserving the environment and to support the development of nature-based social enterprise
  • 86. Deliver a green social prescribing programme, to promote engagement with nature for health and wellbeing
  • 87. Working with community volunteers and young people, deliver natural infrastructure enhancements to increase biodiversity across the city, offering training, work experience, jobs and apprenticeships.
  • 88. Continue to deliver the Preventing Plastic Pollution Programme to remove plastic pollution raise awareness of the impact of single use plastics on the marine environment.
  • 89. Continue to deliver the ReMEDIES and European Marine Site Recreation Impact Mitigation projects, which aims to identify areas for large scale restoration of seagrass beds.
  • 90. Commence delivery of the Plymouth and South Devon Community Forest project, which will create 500 hectares of new woodland planting across the city by 2025.
  • 91. Deliver a pilot permaculture project at Zoo Field in Central Park
  • 92. Undertake a review of Local Nature Reserves in the city and give consideration to further designations to mitigate biodiversity and habitat loss
  • 93. Building on the work of the Plymouth Skills Plan, we will support the development of green skills action plans for the key sectors of the Plymouth Economy, actively working with the Employment Skills Board, Skills Advisory Panel and Heart of the Southwest Local Enterprise Partnership and other key partners to secure funding to develop climate change skills.
  • 94. Support businesses in the tourism industry to gain ‘Green Tourism’ accreditation, aiming to achieve 100 accreditations in 2022
  • 95. Provide direct support to businesses in sectors hard-hit by the pandemic to develop new business models and ensure a green, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery
  • 96. Continue to encourage partner organisations to adopt and align social value procurement policies and ensure carbon reduction is duly considered in their procurement initiatives.
  • 97. Work with the Key Cities Group to benchmark innovative approaches to inform future climate actions and initiatives
  • 98. Review government commitments arising from COP 26 and the Net Zero Strategy in relation to new requirements on how Plymouth can meet its net zero ambitions by 2030
  • 99. Through the Community Empowerment programme, identify current engagement, intelligence and successful interventions around reducing emissions across the city to identify good practice and opportunities to expand, and any gaps to be addressed.
  • 100. Continue to work with Cornwall Council, Devon County Council and South Hams and West Devon councils on developing climate emergency initiatives including sharing good practice.
  • 101. Work with the Local Resilience Forum to scope a Plymouth Climate Resilience and Adaptation Plan
  • 102. Put in place interim planning guidance, pending the review of the Joint Local Plan, to provide even greater protection to the natural environment, and even higher standards of low carbon design and resilience, so that planning practice stays in tune with changing national policy and guidance and gives proper weight to the climate emergency
  • 103. Investigate the potential for the creation of a Carbon Offsetting Fund secured through Section 106 agreements to fund carbon saving initiatives where high energy efficient requirements in new developments cannot be met.
  • 104. Ahead of the ‘ Acceleration Phase’ of the Plymouth Climate Emergency, commit to the establishment of climate budgets, monitoring trajectories and year-on-year milestone targets for all 5 key climate emergency sectors (buildings, mobility, power and heat, waste and engagement and responsibility
  • 105. Organise a themed day at Plymouth Libraries on the topic of climate change
  • 106. Continue to raise awareness of climate change issues by supporting the Future Plymouth 2030 conference programme in partnership with the Royal Institute of British Architects
  • 107. Undertake the 2022 Plymouth Climate Challenge to support community-led climate change projects and initiatives.
  • 108. Continue to engage with the Youth Parliament to ensure that the voice of children and young people is heard in relation to the climate emergency
  • 109. Continue to promote Ashden Let’s Go Zero Campaign to Plymouth’s primary and secondary schools to encourage all schools in the city to develop net zero carbon plans.
  • 110. Hold Climate Emergency events for Plymouth schools by embedding it in health and wellbeing briefings.
  • 111. Expand the programme for Climate Change Ambassadors across the whole of Plymouth.
  • 112. Implement the Building (Flood) Resilience in Communities social innovation project in Lipson Vale and St Levan areas to improve and enhance community resilience and increase their ability to meet the challenges posed by climate change
  • 113. Continue to liaise with interested stakeholders to explore the opportunities and challenges of delivering land and maritime applications for hydrogen generation, supply and use for motorised transport in Plymouth.
  • 114. Establish with partners a Climate Emergency Investment Fund to provide finance to support projects and initiatives to accelerate reductions in carbon emissions and lobby government to resource future provision

Two things that stick out for me is how central public transport is for many of these aims and also just how much is reliant of government money being made available, something which they don't have a good record of actually delivering. I will be looking at a few of these over the coming months to see how they are going. Hopefully as life starts getting back to normal I can get back to more frequent posts here on PT!

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