14 April 2021

Dwindling Darts: 77

There are now very few Dennis Darts left in service with Plymouth Citybus – so get them while you can as they cant have long left at all.

One person who has been out catching them on camera is Mark Bailey who has supplied a few photos which I will share over the week.

next up we have 77 with these two nice shots of her in action on the 25 and the 5

Plymouth Citybus 77

Plymouth Citybus 77



  1. Very weird that Plymouth Citybus will soon be retiring their Darts whilst Stagecoach (a much bigger firm) will continue to use theirs.

    1. not sure its that weird? Some fleets have already got rid of their Darts, most others will be looking to replace them fairly soon. A lot will depend on future new buses joining fleets or group cascades of mid life vehicles. SC Devon have not had any new buses for a while.

    2. Stagecoach are repainting most of the darts still left in North Devon, Torbay & Plymouth which would suggest they expect them to stay around a few years longer. I suspect many will be displayed when the Ex-Citi Enviros are replaced with MMCs.

  2. Spotted in Plymouth today Stagecoach Citysightseeing Wrightbus opentopper

    1. There are two of them. They are Volvo B5TL Gemini 3s from Stagecoach East. They are here on loan until the close of Summer 2021. 13812 (BV18YBE) is at Dartmouth depot for driver familiarisation and 13813 (BV18YAA)is at Plymouth. Both are going to be used on the Dartmouth Park & Ride service 91

    2. They are for Opentop Dartmouth Park and Ride

    3. I read somewhere else that these are for Dartmouth and the Park & Ride. I don't know how reliable that information is.

  3. Stagecoach East and Stagecoach Midlands are using plenty of Darts. They haven't had any new buses for 7 to 8 years


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