16 December 2020

Santa Bus!

Its not a brilliant video as it was running a bit late so was darker than I had hoped - but it does show off the nice lights on the side of the bus as it passes me on Keswick Crescent this evening. Well done Plymouth Citybus!


  1. You did well to catch that, Graham. Happy Christmas !

  2. Saw this at Manadon flyover today (Sunday 20 Dec) around 3.30

  3. the staff are driveing the bus for free and orther staff on top are free staff .
    citybus paid all the costs to kit bus.out and fuel and swests

  4. Looking at their twitter feed the Santa bus is about the only bus they are running in Plymouth last few days..lol. Happy Christmas

    1. slight exaggeration! but they are clearly having some issues at the moment. covid sickness?

  5. I think Citybus have this issue every bank holiday and during any major sport event for years now


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