23 August 2019

Heart FM Enviro

Another Plymouth Citybus Enviro 400 has lost the Red Flash livery and is now in this smart advert for Heart FM Plymouth Citybus 503 WF63LZC

Plymouth Citybus 503 WF63LZC

Plymouth Citybus 503 WF63LZC

No longer pretending to be a local radio station!


  1. That looks absolutely wonderful.

  2. The (local) Heart FM advert was on 504, since repainted into navy charity and Heart FM (non-local) Heart FM advert moves to 503.
    516 next out, in swoops.

    1. 516 was on the 5/5a today and 503 was on the 35/35a/61/62

  3. What's the back window (upstairs) all about? I don't get it.

  4. 516 is already out in swoops today, spotted her on a 5A just after eleven at Cattedown roundabout, looking very shiny!

  5. I've just seen this on the 62.

  6. 503 and 516 both out-shopped and on the road 24.08

  7. List of VOR vehicles in depot today
    72 - (unknown reasons)
    87 - (hydraulic problems)
    93 - (Bonnet open on a stand in engineering bay)
    103 - (possibly being withdrawn)
    155 - (unknown reasons)
    160 - (unknown reasons)
    460 - (battery problems)
    476 - (being converted)
    550 - (unknown reasons)
    704 - (just arrived back from Devon & Cornwall Police)
    712 - (gas leaks)

    1. Wasn't 531 also a VOR as it was in the garages on Sunday and is still not in service today (tuesday).

  8. 103 looks to be next to go to the North. Also, the London Enviros might be getting converted prior to their arrival in Plymouth.


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