05 October 2018

E’s are good…

Go-Ahead London - E19 - LX06 EZO - Route 37

Very interesting news is the expected arrival shortly of a batch of Alexander Dennis Enviro 400s from Go Ahead London!

It seems that 17 are due from the batch E16 - E37 LX06EZL etc. More details will be confirmed as soon as they are known. It seems that some are expected as early as this weekend.

These are expected to see off the remaining Volvo B7TLs.  Not sure about the Dennis Tridents 480-487 as 487 is being returned to service shortly.

Another surprise is the return to service yet again of 17 R117OFJ

Plymouth Citybus 017 R117OFJ

17 seen here back in 2015 is a remarkable survivor!

Next week sees Plymouth Citybus take over the PR3 from Target Travel. It can be confirmed that there are only two Enviro 200s joining the fleet from Target - full details will be confirmed shortly but they are expected to be 160 and 161 with at least one of them already repainted red and in full swoops.

As always I am very happy to show off any pictures anyone might get of these buses when they arrive…


  1. didnt know about the e400s,but i can confirm that 487 is back on the road following an engine replacement and the ex target e200s arefleet 160(FLR) and 161(FLV).

  2. It'll be interesting to see what a naff job PCB will do when it comes to converting these to single door use

  3. On another note 361 was out again today

  4. It looks like it will be E17-24 and E29-36 that will be coming down. E25-28 have been converted to open-top and will be staying with Go-Ahead London as part of their commercial (i.e. non-Transport for London) operations.

  5. Getting an excellent batch of buses, enjoy them!

  6. LX06EZL was seen on its way on the A303 yesterday

  7. LX06 EZE just passed me at Honiton, Plymouth bound displaying route 37 to Peckham!

    1. Honiton? Are they coming via H&D Trim, then? Perhaps the centre doors are being removed there, or maybe HDT are doing something else - taking out the iBus equipment perhaps?

    2. pretty sure they have come direct from London - via the A303 - hence Honiton.

  8. Bus 17 is still in action this evening, 8/10/18, on the 42C which arrived at the North hill end of Mutley Plain, inbound at 20:28


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