07 December 2017

Asking the punters

Both Plymouth Citybus and Stagecoach are asking their passengers questions…

Disability Bus Service Open Session

Plymouth residents are invited to have their say on how the city's bus services could be improved for the disabled community at an open session we are holding at Derriford Hospital.

The event will take place on Wednesday 13 December from 10.00 until 16.00 in front of the disabled car park at Derriford Hospital.

One of our new fleet of buses will be parked up at the event for people to board and leave their comments around accessibility.

Health and safety team members, senior inspectors, customer service managers and accessibility teams from Citybus will be present throughout the day to offer advice and take any comments or questions around disabled access to buses.

Ann Wilkinson, Inclusion and Outreach Manager at Plymouth Citybus, said: "We want to hear directly from members of the community who use our services and non-users too so we can learn about their experiences - good or bad.

"Citybus is committed to making bus transport accessible for everyone. We want to be as inclusive of the local community as we can be. Any comments we receive on the day will help frame how we improve travel for disabled passengers in future."

Stagecoach Consultation

We would like to hear your views on the changes we recently made to our 2/2A/2B bus route which serves Mount Batten, Hooe, Plymstock, St Budeaux and Saltash. 

In particular, we are looking for your thoughts on the increased frequencies in the Plymstock area and which of the following options local residents in Hooe and Mount Batten would prefer:

1. To restore a through link to Plymouth Station, St Budeaux and Saltash* 


2. The continuation of the separate 2B service

*This would mean replacing some of the additional journeys that now serve Elburton with journeys to Mount Batten


We're also interested in any other feedback, particularly in relation to any additional links or connections on this service that we could help provide.

Please email your feedback to plymouth@stagecoachbus.com no later than Friday 8 December.

Whilst all feedback is welcome, unfortunately we won't be able to get back to everyone individually.


Stagecoach Devon 34777 PX55EFG

1 comment:

  1. 713 is now in service as of 7/12/17. WX62HGG was seen on the 27B.


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