If you are catching the 50 / 51 any evening over the next couple of weeks you may be in for a few delays as a large road resurfacing program deals with almost the entire length of Miller Way (Asda to Derriford)
Please be advised that circumstances and weather permitting, SWH will be undertaking essential highway maintenance works on behalf of Plymouth City Council for 17 nights, between 19 June and 12 July 2017.
The works will involve essential Surface Patching works in the highway. In order to carry out these works, a road closure and diversion will be in place as per the attached maps. The closures will be in place as follows:
Section 1: 19 – 21 June : Novorossiysk Road to Asda Roundabout. This will be the only section where works are undertaken using Temporary Traffic Lights and will not be closed.
Section 2: 22 – 28 June: Keswick Crescent to Cann Bridge Meadow.

Section 3 & 4: 28 – 30 June : Wentwood Gardens to Dockray Close.Section 5: 3 – 7 July : Combley Drive to St Marks Road
Section 6 : 10 - 11 July : Derriford Road
Works will generally be undertaken between the hours of 19:00 and 07:00, although these times may vary. The noisiest of our operations should be completed by approximately 23:00hrs, however the resurfacing works will continue after this time. Flashing lights and reversing alarms will also continue to be used throughout the night as these are a Health and Safety requirement, and we apologise in advance for the inconvenience that this will cause.
There will clearly have to be a few diversions for the 50/51 over this period, so delays will be inevitable. Having said all that though, the state of the road in places along this section is really bad at the moment so any improvement will be welcome!
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