12 May 2017

Target Double Deckers

One of the highlights for me at least, of the PSV Circle weekend was the trip to Target Travel, Plenty of photos taken there, so we start off with their double deck fleet:

Target Travel  HXZ9741 PSVC Trip TargetTravel

Finally out of its advert livery

PSVC Trip TargetTravel #PSVC Trip TargetTravel

Then there a couple more owned by Target which are not ready for the road just yet...

PCTPG 177 H177GTTPCTPG 177 H177GTT PSVC Trip TargetTravel

It remains to be seen just what Target Travel have planned for these fine buses.

Thanks once again to the organisers of the visit and also of course to Target Travel for allowing hoards of wondering bus spotters onto their base!


  1. i was thinking as 177 and 178 are step buses they would be used for coach style work/schools like Oakleys coaches? will be really really nice to see some lovely old buses back on the road of plymouth again

  2. H178GTT now in plain white at target travel.

  3. whoops - Devon Transit should be here - where has it gone? I will find out and have it up online later this evening when I get home from work. Sorry!

  4. H178GTT is set for a mot later next mouth i believe so they normally take there buses to the mot place at derrifrod or milehouse so keep and eye out, and livery is unplanned yet

  5. Are the PCTPG selling any more? This one was donated by Citybus to them


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