04 June 2015

Five Firsts

Its another Five Photo Feature, only this time the connection is a bit more obscure than usual

First 34175 S675AAE First 42773 S673SNG First 53002 V802KAF First 53006 W806PAF

I will give more details later in the week but feel free to speculate on the connection - it is quite precise...


  1. They're all going to feature in Antiques Roadshow?

  2. They all advertise different things?

  3. They are all withdrawn now?

  4. Are they all old buses on Old Routes?

  5. They've all carried some form of route branding

  6. It is that they are all ex-First Devon and Cornwall vehicles, which transferredto First Hampshire and Dorset and have since been sold on.

  7. The last two numbers of the registration match the last two numbers of the Fleet number.

  8. Oldest to newest if you go by registration, S reg at the top then V and W reg at bottom Destination boards are all slightly different too

  9. is the connection that all the photos took in the CityCenter?

  10. The obvious connection is that they all carry the same livery but as you said 'obscure', I'd agree with Anon 16:30, in that they were all transfered away to FH&D.


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