31 December 2014

Happy New Year

Just a very quick post to wish everyone a very Happy New Year from Plymothian Transit.

Thanks especially to all who have left comments or supplied photos and other information over the last twelve months. It has not always been possible to give PT as much time as I would like but thanks to you all, it has been a real pleasure. PT will be back very soon, suitably refreshed after the Christmas break.

PCB Leyland Atlantean AN 163 - Ply., Victoria Rd - 1985

©Jos VanHemeert:  the 15 in 1985

In The News

  • Focus Transport: Go North East Steps In to Save Quaylink Service Kevin Carr, managing director of Go North East, said: “With all our local authorities facing a funding crisis and some considering increasing council taxes, it’s inevitable that front-line services – including those buses funded by councils – will be hit. “But this must bring in to question the Combined Authority’s view that bus services are best controlled by local authorities – if they can’t guarantee a service as important as this, how can they guarantee improvements to the bus network?”

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  1. Graham Happy New Year to you and your family and thankyou for such an excellent and interesting daily read as I'm from Cheltenham but love and follow your local scene as Stagecoach swoop's dominate our local scene. Keep up the great work! ☺

  2. Happy New Year to you Graham and all your family.I really enjoy your blog and thank your wife that you have time to do it!!.

  3. A Citybus Mercedes Citaro was on the 576 to Launston WA55 HLM I think was the registration :S sorry for the mistakes

    1. Launceston! My friend. It wouldn't surprise me PCB are putting Citaro's onto longer routes, they don't particularly like them on routes in Plymouth, due to slowness, high fuel cost etc. On longer routes they do perform slightly better I believe, correct me if I have got that wrong!

  4. i was very happy to seen an enviro 400 of route 50 today and its the first time i have ever seen it on the 50 but its looks odd out with the citaros but not the volvos! i think the 400s are very nice and i would love to see it on the 50 more often! it took some pics and its on my flickr! https://www.flickr.com/photos/129031446@N02/

  5. Any vehicle out of an urban environment will have a better fuel consumption without the stop-start of city driving, the Citaro is a good bus and they are used extensively in Europe on urban and rural routes so presumably they can't be over thirsty compared to other buses available. In addition they look good and and the passenger environment is one of the best designed around so passengers on the 576 are getting a good deal. Western Greyhound a few years back used one of their Citaros on the 576 at busier times on week day mornings and on Saturdays, which was welcomed as the Optares on the route were often full and standing, and it is good that Go Cornwall have used their resources to increase seating capacity on this route.

    1. I don't know what the fuel consumption of the Citaros is - but Solos are quite heavy on fuel. I wonder if that is why, a few years back, Citybus tried them out but didn't buy any.

  6. A Citaro was on the 42 on New Year's Eve.

  7. Since the introductions of the Enviro 400's and the Volvo B7RLE's, the citaros are seeing more work in lots of different locations, such as the 33!! Very rare and it is all improving the customer experience :-) (which is more than welcome!)

  8. Are Go Cornwall / Citybus going to keep the Solos from Western Greyhound or sell them on? I know they have very complicated electrics and are not a popular bus. Also, are the aquired fleet going to appear on the Citybus fleet list on here? ;-)

    1. Ive not heard anything to suggest they wont be staying! I will be updating the fleet lists shortly - promise!

    2. I take it none of the WG buses have been repainted yet?


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