The fun starts very soon
Staff at Derriford Hospital have received this email giving advance warning of the major scheme starting next year...As many of you are now aware preliminary works on enhancing the Marjon Link Road started on the 8th December. The purpose of this email is to give staff advance warning of the full commencement of the works from the 5th January 2015 until their estimated completion on the 4th September 2015.
The outline of the scheme, its purpose and schematic drawings can be found on the Plymouth City Council website. If you want to find out more please click on this link:
These works will be undertaken in three simultaneous phases:
- Improve the roundabout at the top of Marjon Link Road
- Widen and upgrade Marjon Link Road
- Widen Derriford Road, install a right hand only turn into the Hospital at the bottom of the Marjon Link Road and install three way traffic lights and pedestrian crossing points at the bottom of Marjon Link Road
Marjon Link Road will be closed to vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians from 05/01/15 – 04/09/15
Traffic entering the Hospital will still be able to travel along Derriford Road and turn right to access the Hospital opposite Marjon Link Road Traffic leaving the Hospital will not be able to exit onto Derriford Road opposite Marjon Link Road but will have to do so by travelling in front of the main entrance and using the mini-roundabout onto Derriford Road
The current Bus Only lane which leaves the Hospital and travels to Derriford Roundabout will be suspended to allow any vehicle to use the Bus Lane to exit the site. We fully appreciate these works will cause disruption to travellers but the plans outlined above will cause less disruption than 3 way temporary traffic lights on Derriford Road would cause for the same duration. Naturally all traffic management measures will be constantly reviewed and varied if required.
The loss of the full bus lane out of Derriford Hospital and onto Derriford Roundabout is bound to cause some delays to buses serving the area but hopefully the temporary one way system within the Derriford site will help. It should help the 50 I catch as we don't get the luxury of a bus lane out of Derriford and then get caught up with the traffic queuing to get into Derriford.
The scheme detail

Recommended Reading
- Norfolk Scene: Explaining Delays ~ Winter
- Ipswich Bus Blog: 32656 ENTERS SERVICE AND 69426 RETURNS
- East Norfolk Bus Blog: Pantomime Season ~ Oh No It Isn't! : Norse Six at the Beach
- Andys Bus Blog: King's Lynn Bus Station redevelopment due to begin in January : Norfolk Green Fleet Update : On diversion in Peterborough - photo special
- Focus Transport: New public transport service as from January 2015
- Public Transport Experience: Party Time at Coley Park [3] It's a Gas
- Southampton Bus Update January timetables released
- Dennis Basford's Rails, Roads and Runways ‘Scene’ in Burton on Trent (BoT) 1
- Portishead Update: New X5 and 88 timetables published
last week i went to milehose to take some pics of the blueflash bus that was under repair when i saw something very good. the old plymouth citybus 1,2,3,4 and 5 was sat there to rot up. i thought they got rid of them ages ago.