Due to various reasons I had very little time to take photos of buses, in fact I had five minutes…
Wilts & Dorset

Another bus which cant have long left...

We did have one ride on one of these buses back to our hotel, and a very pleasant bus it was too! Very friendly and helpful driver which is always nice when you are catching a bus in the dark with no idea where to get off!
Yellow Buses

I really do need to get back to Bournemouth and spend some time getting more photographs.
Other News
BBC NEWS DEVON: Further damage to the railway line in Dawlish means it will not be repaired until mid-April, Network Rail has said. It had originally hoped to complete the repairs by the middle of March but the line suffered more damage on Friday. Network Rail said it was "conscious of the importance" of the line which connects Cornwall and most of Devon to the rest of the UK. The predicted date for the work to be completed comes just ahead of the Easter Bank Holiday. Good Friday falls on 18 April but the company said it hoped to "beat" its date.
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