All photos ©Richard Smith.
And well done to First Kernow for painting the Dart – looking really smart!
York's population poured out along the lines of the trunk and its branch, and the people cheered vehemently as the Royal party, passing from one line to another, skirted the walls of the city.Public Transport Experience
For now I shall leave you with one of my favorite spots in the region; that of St Ives Malakoff, with one of the stalwart Volvo B10M Citybus' still hard at work on the glorious 300 service. PTOTPA
Such are the benefits of (a) Google map overlays and (b) web wigglers who don't know where the buses run! The 840 runs in and out via the top of the "loop" and via Goathland station; it "U" turns at a roundabout (too small!) at the western end of the village. Public Transport Experience
The new vehicles, which will be fleet numbered 33803-24 and carry First's new blue/gold 'interurban' livery with X1 Excel branding are expected to begin arriving in King's Lynn from today - Monday 23rd September.Andys Bus Blog
for those unlucky souls who have to endure the expense and unreliability of the cumbersome purple monstrosities that represent the bus company’s inane view of the future (or ‘ftr’, if you’re twelve), it was a kick in the teeth Public Transport Experience
The mayor says that bus lanes do not result in more people using buses. He’s probably right, not in themselves. It’s probably more complicated than that. But doing away with them makes buses less competitive & attractive and this will inevitably mean *fewer* passengers Omnibuses
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