31 July 2013

The Hoe Event

It has to be said that the WNPG Rally on Plymouth Hoe at the weekend was a bit disappointing in terms of  vehicle turnout. There were not as many buses there as previous years. This has been noticeable in many bus rallies across the country this year from what I hear so its clearly not a criticism of the Plymouth event. The PCTPG sales strand did good business and it was good to catch up with friends and put faces to a few more names. This for me has always been the main benefit of this annual event. The following photos are just a taster of the day.Thanks as always to the organisers of the event, the volunteers, and also to the PCTPG was without there support it would have been very disappointing. They would have had more buses there but several had mechanical issues which sadly kept them away. WNPG Rally PCTPG TCO537 RRU903 Royal Bl;ue OTT98 Looking On Devon General


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  1. Lovely pictures, Graham (as always), but particularly creative is the view fron the new Enviro. And how the sweeping curve of the front window reflects the delightful curves of the coaches from the 1950s and 60s. Lovely!

  2. Its been confirmed on PCB's facebook page that they're launching a service to Tavistock

  3. http://www.plymouthbus.co.uk/about-us/news/plymouth-citybus-do-moor-as-company-expands-to-tavistock

  4. I agree to a point Graham but personally I have found the Hoe rally year on year to be poor. I'm sure the fuel costings are a factor but it needs some new life breathing into it.
    I'm sure lots of planning goes into it but dare I say it, you don't see the results.
    It's a shame the PCT PG suffered vehicle issues as they have amassed a massive fleet but probably good for WNPG as they would have outnumbered them.
    Is this the WNPG rally or the Plymouth Rally? There were not many WN vehicles present I have to say.
    Maybe PCT PG could run a rally or perhaps run next years jointly with WNPG?
    Just an observation as I have no bias

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