©Martin Arrand.L126YOD Halifax Joint Committee in Halifax 7 May 2013
PT Recommends
- Bordon Eco-station. You can tell it's "eco" as the doors are now painted green instead of red! Public Transport Experience
- Think back to a pre-Passenger Transport Executive golden era of municipal bus operators: brand new buses every year, little changed from those delivered the previous year, local authority crest proudly displayed on the gleaming side panels. An image that is now long-gone, save for cherished photographs and a healthy number of carefully-preserved vehicles Omnibuses
- It can now be revealed that the buses will be registered in Northern Ireland and carry consecutive registrations in a special series granted to us by the authorities. They will all be registered in a series commencing LTZ1001 which includes the reregistering of all of those which have previously been registered with UK marks for testing and training purposes. Leon Daniels
- The Wantage Tramway Company built a two mile tramway that carried passengers and freight between the Wantage and Wantage Road Station; the line was cheaply built on the verge of the Besselsleigh Turnpike, now the A338. Public Transport Experience
- From time to time, I like to update my readers about the bus scene in my local city of Portsmouth. This is the first of a two part post - the first surveying a Sunday/bank holiday service, the second on an every day Mon-Sat operation. Southern England
- Norfolk Green operating their usual frequent Interconnect 505 service between King's Lynn & Spalding plus around 60 or so visiting coaches in attendance, many less than the hundreds of coaches that could be found in the events heyday, never the less it was still an interesting day Andys Bus Blog
- Wantage Station building had an exit on to the road which is echoed by an otherwise unexplained wiggle in the bridge parapet ... Public Transport Experience
- “It became clear during our recent fare consultation events that people are really keen to see it restored. We've heard this message and so we're bringing back the ‘3 Stop Hop’” Omnibuses
- The Link is one of Chichester's premier city routes. Numbered 51, this route connects Chichester city centre and railway station with Selsey on the coast Southern England
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