So you have an appointment at Derriford Hospital and you have heard that Target Travel operate the Park & Ride service. How about checking online for the timetable. You head to the Target Travel website.
The eye is drawn to the Timetable section and there is the 60 Derriford Park & Ride timetable. You may also notice the confusing box on the right with a list of bus routes – which is different but for now lets try the timetable link
It looks like to tried to go somewhere that does not exist woops! (although its not really your fault is it?) Handily though you see the PR3 George Park & Ride – Derriford Hospital link – just like in the All Bus Routes box on the right…
Finally you get to the timetable. Well I say timetable..

Oh dear!
Very poor. Apart from the obvious typo the timetable tells you next to nothing. How long does it take you to get to Derriford from The George? Locals may know its pretty close but Derriford has a very large catchment area so many visitors wont have local knowledge. The route description can be a bit confusing if you dont understand how the route actually works.
Of course you might try and find details using the Plymouth City Council web site. We will see tomorrow where that gets you!
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Targets Website is pathetic to be honest... and you don;t get any help from Emailing them I can tell you. If you phone they don't seem interested either!