We are taking a Volvo B6 Plaxton Pointer (fleet No. 53) to the
Many thanks
Paul Laxton

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- It is noteworthy that this vast development has no provision for buses within the estate. Presumably this was a decision of the developer who felt the aspirations of his potential clients lay above and beyond the humble (and degrading?) red London bus? Public Transport Experience
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- The decision to use a car rather than a bus is made before the individual leaves the house. Now give this statement a little time to sink in and you’ll see how important it is. Omnibuses
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- Now fbb is sure that the line has its delights, but the scenery is flat and uninteresting. The stations are now minimalist unstaffed halts and nowadays the line's rural nature is compromised by the expansion of Bedford and the new city of Milton Keynes. Public Transport Experience
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