Message from the PCTPG :
On Easter Sunday, 31st March, we are operating a free bus service, in conjunction with the Plym Valley Railway (PVR), from Coypool to the City Centre via the Barbican and Hoe. This service is to provide members of the public with free travel to and from the Coypool station where the PVR is running an hourly train service to their new Plymbridge Platform, opened on 30th December by the Mayor of Plymouth.
This date also marks the first time we will be operating out of our new depot at Colebrook and in consequence serving the Plympton area whilst travelling to and from the PVR station at the start and end of the day’s running.
The detailed timetable is shown on our website at under the Forthcoming Events category

PT Recommends
- fbb is taking a close look at Suffolk County Council's stop specific timetables as lauded loquaciously in an article in the March 2013 edition of "Buses" magazine. Public Transport Experience
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- Late on Friday afternoon (8 March) we received notification from the Regional Full Time Officer for the UNITE trade union that a ballot of their members at Go North East has resulted in a decision to take strike action on Friday 15th, Monday 18th March and Saturday 23rd March. The Bus People
- The good people at the Warminster Vintage Bus Running Day have made, if I may say so, a very wise choice of Cover Girl for their posters and advertisements this year 270KTA
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