11th November changes continued
Service 43
Service retimed to improve reliability (Sundays have been extensively retimed). Service 43 will continue to be the principle Service between St Budeaux Square and the City Centre which together with Services 43A/B and the Service 29 will continue to provide a bus every 5 minutes (10 on Sundays) for most of the day.

Service 43A
Service 43A has been retimed to improve its relationship with the retimed Services 29, 43/B with an additional service operating 19:40 from the City Centre to Saltash. Service 43A will also see the introduction of a Sunday day service also operating hourly for most of the day.

Service 43B
Service 43B has been retimed to improve its relationship with the retimed Services 29, and Service 43. Evening Services are being introduced on this service Sunday to Saturday to replace evening Service 16B and to improve the level of evening Services between St Budeaux and the City centre offsetting the withdrawal of the Service 26B. In addition Service 43B is to operate during the day on Sundays which together with the Service 43/A and Service 29 will create a bus every 10 minutes during the day on Sundays between St Budeaux and the City Centre.

- Citybus Timetable 43
- Citybus Timetable 43A
- Citybus Timetable 43B
- Plymothian Transit Extra 43
- Plymothian Transit Extra 43A
- Plymothian Transit Extra 43B
- Since my last update a further two Enviro 200s have joined the fleet at Lowestoft; they are 45116 VT09JPT and 44928 EU08FHB East Norfolk Bus Blog
- Today, the North East Bus Operators Association publicly launches “Better by Far”, a manifesto for a voluntary partnership rather than the quality contracts preferred by Nexus PTE Omnibuses
- One final victory for obfuscation! Transport Direct, when asked for a journey to Dawsons Corner seems to want to ignore the real and historic location and dump you to the west of the mega roundabout. Public Transport Experience
- Red & White, based in nearby Chepstow had its roots over the border in the Forest of Dean but evolved mainly on the Welsh side of the border, as well as developing a group of companies dotted across southern England and south Wales, without ever establishing territorial dominance in any part of its empire. Transport Illustrated
- Caister Road Update East Norfolk Bus Blog
- The Greenway was therefore a product of its time. It met a particular and specific need, finding itself in the right place Omnibuses
- What a terrible shame. How absolutely awful to expect a human being to edit and produce a timetable page for the use of other human beings. If this happened, the timetable might be (a) right and (b) useful to the passenger. That would never do! Public Transport Experience
- Wigan has always been out on a limb from the rest of Greater Manchester county: Manchester Transport
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