19 September 2012

Citybus New Timetables: 8 9

Citybus 8 9

Original proposal

Service 8A/C/D to be replaced with Service 8. Both Services retimed in the peaks to create an even combined bus every 10 minutes from earlier in the day and will maintain this frequency until a little later in the day.


PH0000135/12 - Variation Accepted: Operating between PLYMOUTH Royal Parade Stop A10 and PLYMOUTH Royal Parade given service number 8/9 effective from 11-Nov-2012. To amend Route and Timetable.


Plymouth Citybus 8 9
A nice tidy timetable loosing the odd 8A 8C 8D runs.
Full timetable on Plymouth Citybus 8 9 New Timetable

More detail and previous timetables Plymothian Transit Extra 8 9

Plymouth Citybus 092 WA56OZS


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