I am hoping to get out and about this week to take my first photos of 2012 as there are a few buses I need to catch up on for my own records. This got me looking back to my earlier postings on Flickr so here we have a selection of a quick trip into town on 6th January 2007…
Starting off with this impressive collection of Truronian coaches.
Plymouth Citybus 134 when still looking quite smart.

First 20306 in the smart First Coaches livery. This one is now with First Hampshire and Dorset I believe.

42753 in the smart advert livery for Plymouth Argyle. This bus is still out and about in Plymouth. Not sure what happend to Argyle though?

The main reason for my trip to town on this day was to get my first pho5tos of the brand new Park & Ride Enviros, one of which was being displayed for shoppers. The handsome young man below is a lot bigger than that now!

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