Not quite the fancy blog post I was planning as Virgin Media seem to be having problems tonight as I type this up and my internet broadband connection is rubbish to say the least. It is speeding up a bit now but was down to less than dial up speed at one stage. This is really just a big thank you to all the visitors to this little blog. Yesterday saw visitor number 250000! A quarter of a million visits to my humble blog – wow!
I was going to be having a proper look back at where the visitors are coming from but cant access any of this info at the moment! Special thanks though to Omnibuses Blog for all the encouragement and also for sending plenty of readers my way.
Special thanks to both the main bus companies and the regular contacts from within who supply me information and photos. (Esp Brian George even after my comment in an earlier post this week!)
The biggest thanks though to everyone who has ever contributed in some way to the blog either through the many Flickr photos people have given permission for me to use, or even emailing me photos to use, along with the many readers who email me with sightings or snippets of information which I might otherwise miss.
Going Forward
The more observant of you may just notice the red GooglePlus on the right hand side bar, or indeed the one below. This is the link to the Plymothian Transit page on Google Plus. I have never been a fan of Facebook so have really taken to Google+ which is now beginning to take off properly. If you are already on G+ please visit the page and add me to your circles. If that does not mean anything to you I am sure it will do soon. As with anything new there is not much to see yet but it will fill up with lots of interesting stuff!

Recommended Links
- As a bus approaches the bus station it will be electronically "scanned" and the computer will decide which stand is will leave from. No, this is NOT an fbb wind-up, honestly. Public Transport Experience
- This week's Snap on Sunday comes from Maker Heights with a view across to Maker Church PTOTPA
- Just as well I was driving this weekend, on a little tour with friends to celebrate my 30th birthday. 270 KTA’s gift to her owner was to make it across the border to Cornwall and back without cause for embarrassment, and a jolly good time was had by all. 270KTA
- Just a reminder that 47s and 48s run frequently northwards to Shiregreen then, apparently, plunge into a wormhole to reappear south of the City centre at Highfield travelling in the opposite direction towards Herdings Public Transport Experience
- A fear of a knock on the door from and a dawn raid by the OFT will usually guard against operators making inappropriate contact with competitors. Omnibuses
Well done!!! New First timetables from Start of seems like the 15 is the same as now except Saturday afternoons when it is cut to a 30 minute frequency....stays at 20 mins Mon to Friday and saturday morning.... the simple UGOBUS concept seems to have gone for a burton on the 15 now!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Graham - always an enjoyable read
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Don't always agree with what you say and how you think, but the world, well OK Plymouth, is a better place as a result of your efforts
ReplyDeleteThanks Ben - and Thanks Mr Grumpy - Its always much more fun when people disagree with what I say!