One of the expected buses is 270KTA which gives me another excuse to highlight the excellent 270KTA blog which follows the trials of owning such a fine old bus and the work (and money) which goes into the long term project. Read the blog today and ride the bus on Saturday!

If you cant make it then maybe try for a ride on the last day in regular service for the Plymouth Citybus step entrance Darts on the 59 service. After Saturday there will be just 3 left for schools service and two of these will be replaced as the remaining ex London PVLs enter service in the coming month or so.
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Elsewhere on the net
- Hino Motors, Ltd. commonly known as simply Hino, is a manufacturer of diesel trucks,buses, and other vehicles, based in Hino, Tokyo, Japan TGP Photos
- Suddenly, everyone seems interested in school buses, whether they are here or across the water. And I don’t just mean on the Isle of Wight. Omnibuses
- Prizes could be awarded to anyone who can explain what the above quote actually means in practice. But they won't be, it's just too ridiculous to contemplate. It's just a load of shops, for goodness' sake! Public Transport Experience
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