01 August 2011

Beryl goes to Milbay

Plymouth Discovery Tours have announced Beryl the bus will be providing a shuttle service from Milbay to the Barbican and Hoe during the 9 days of the America's cup.

The service will run from 11am to 8.30pm every day offering a 15 min service, except on the last Sunday service, which will end at 6pm.

Adult rate will be £1 per trip and 50p per child. An adult discount card will be available for £10 giving you 12 trips.

because Plymouth needs an anorak or two



  1. welcome to plymouth, ride on this "vintage" (i type with irony) battered wheelchair unfriendly bus, you'll see it coming 'cos of the trail of black exhaust fumes it leaves in its wake!!

  2. why don't people leave their opinions to them selves until they know the full story, beryl is probably only one of the buses that will be used, but as usual there is some one with half a story.

    Better a local independent company gets it with older vehicles then the northern companies like First and Go Ahead get it, cause of course they will order new enviro 400's just for this event..

  3. i have been on beryl myself and found the tour missed out a lot of plymouths history, for example the huge rebuilding after the war, and i assume it receives sponsership with the amount of plugs for different bars and restaurants i heard, i agree at least someone's doing a tour but i reckon plymouth is the only city in the uk that has A stepped bus as its tour bus, plymouth has so much history we should have a fleet of tour buses!! and so what if go-ahead or first would use newer buses for such a large INTERNATIONAL event we should be pulling all the stops out for this!

  4. Anonymous 17:58 - no operator would invest in new buses for what is a ten day event with racing only taking place on eight days. The event is in school term so there is very little slack in the system. PCC are talking about additional park and ride sites which would have been easy to manage in the school holidays. If the weather is bad who will stand on the Hoe for hours trying to see a few boats in the sound? As to the argument over the stepped bus - Plymouth should have a tour bus as do most big cities with any history. Unfortunately PCC is more intrested in installing speed humps digging up roads and generally being obstructive to bus operators than actually encouraging enterprise and visitor attractions. Riding around the Hoe foreshore in any vehicle let alone a bus is extremely uncomfortable due to this traffic calming.


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