Jason Beverley

As you can see - the links are back! I am now almost set up on a brand new laptop with most of the software installed and ready to roll. I still have to rely on a dodgy Wi-Fi internet access which is a bit hit and miss, but at least when it does work I am not waiting for ages for my computer to do something. Hopefully back to regular posting from this time onwards...
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Elsewhere on the net
- Some northern express services adopt a far more flexible approach to stopping places than those south of Hardrian’s Wall. Omnibuses
- Jacketts' new X5 service commenced operation last Monday, operating from Plymouth to Truro via as many places as is possible to cram into 2hr 45minute journey! PTOTPA
- We’re are own worst enemies. We go on holiday but can’t, won’t or daren’t let go. In many case, I suspect it’s the last of these that drives us to answer our emails while away. Omnibuses
- I've passed my PCV test, and now have a full licence to drive buses and coaches! 270KTA
- Devonian Motor Services now operate this semi-opentop Leyland Olympian, A146 OFR on their service around Paignton PTOTPA
- The big news in terms of modular running is not that Stagecoach is passing its Manchester trams to RATP. Omnibuses
- My only photographic trip in July was once more into Hampshire, initially to visit the excellent Alton Rally that I'd enjoyed so much in 2010. Transport Illustrated
- Whilst on a visit to Scarnif with the MTN tours in 2007 & 2008 I took photos of this vehicle. As my memory has faded with age I would appreciate comments. TGP Photos Unlimited
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