That’s right, Volvo Olympian 34004 on the 15. We do get a few double deckers on the 15 from time to time, but this is the first one I have had on my morning run for a couple of months at least. These buses have always been special. Very comfortable seats and no problem getting up the hills!
Was it a coincidence that I should get this the day after I posted how poorly 48270 was?
Probably - but Thank you First!
I was asked (via Twitter) to pass on a link to a survey about Plymouth Citybus. Its a simple one to answer and will only take a minute or two. Once completed you do get a nice summary of the answers so far. Like any of these type of surveys the more completed the more useful it may be.
Citybus Survey
The survey comes from @DevelopPlymouth. I don't know much more about it or what it is expected to achieve but I am happy to pass the link on.
Elsewhere on the net
- It's to our shame that virtually everywhere in the 1960s & 1970s the industry did away with the practice of displaying rear destinations. Omnibuses
- Lynn West Likes Weetabix ...Loves Wagon Wheels and Loathes Whisky and shops in Tesco, Kings Lynn. Public Transport Experience
- Today, David Brown officially takes over from Keith Ludeman as chief executive of Go Ahead. Omnibuses
- Indeed, there’s almost too much happening at Go South Coast these days. It makes it very difficult to keep up. Dorset Bus Blog
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