
06 June 2011

is it fare?

The impending fare increase for Citybus has provoked an interesting ongoing debate in the comments over the last few posts on Plymothian Transit. Which is now cheaper First or Citybus? Well as ever it is not a straight forward question to answer!
I will return to looking at individual fares later when I have a few more details to hand but start of with looking at day tickets for the Plymouth area:
These are the fares after the forthcoming fare increase for Citybus. I have tried match like for like but nothing is that simple. The basic day ticket prices will be the same for both companies. First is now 20p cheaper than Citybus. The 7 day ticket for adults is also the same for both companies but Citybus are increasing their child tickets by more so these tickets end up cheaper for First.
I have included the 28 day and 90 day ticket prices but it has to be remembered that First give a full calendar month and three months which seems a lot fairer and is easier to manage for most passengers. I recall having to buy 28 day tickets years ago and occasionally getting caught out having to pay for two sets in the same pay month - something which you will avoid with a full month ticket. I do hope this is one area which Citybus will change at some time in the future.
For the full 12 month pass Citybus seem now to be quite a bit dearer although First do mention that the £540 prices does not include the £25 insurance charge - without making it clear if this is a compulsory charge. I would assume it isn't.
Ticket Age Citybus First
One Day Adult £3.50 £3.30
One Day Child £2.50 £2.50
7 day Adult £14.00 £14.00
7 day Child £12.00 £10.00
28 Day* Adult £52.00 £54.00
28 Day* Child £45.00 £40.00
90 Day** Adult £156.00 £150.00
90 Day** Child £135.00
12 Month Adult £560.00 £540.00
12 Month Child £480.00 £405.00

Of course as I said at the start of this small posting, nothing is a straightforward as a simple chart can indicate.
Plymouth Citybus cover much more of the city that First do. A Citybus ticket will get you to more places than a First one in Plymouth. Citybus also have more evening services (at the moment anyway). Of course for many passengers there will be no choice - they will only be served by one company. For those of us lucky enough to be served by both companies it gets more complicated. I am lucky as I have the Green Pass which works on ALL services in Plymouth regardless of operator. My route to work is served by Citybus, First and Target so I can choose which one I want rather than having to let buses go by waiting for my bus to turn up. It is a real shame that there isn't a general all company pass that Plymouth passengers can buy as I suspect that what most passengers want.

Please note - the First Adult Day Rider is £3.30 not £3.50 as originally posted

Elsewhere on the net

  • With the arrival of 3 new Dart SLFs (2 normal length, 1 SPD), and the return to service on existing Dart SLF S162BMR, Velvet now operate a 100% low floor network across all passenger routes, with one spare low floor bus. Southern England Bus Scene
  • Cats and super-yachts TGP Photos Unlimited
  • New company, Jackett Coaches, took over the operation of the 87/A, from Tavistock to Bere Alston and Bere Ferrers last week. PTOTPA
  • I managed to photograph my first Southern Vectis Optare Solo today - former Wilts & Dorset 2632 (S632JRU) which I last photographed in Romsey. Southern England Bus Scene


  1. a first day ticket is £3:30 not £3:50!

  2. I was just about to say myself, was there a planned increase for First as well! Indeed, First's is £3.30 adult, but it is £2.50 for a child.

  3. First had their increase in May so I would hope not..they chose not to increase daytickets or season tickets.

    I think the biggest gap is the 1 month inner/city zone pass'

    £40 28 DAYS CITYBUS

    I would think that could sway the daytime workers with both companies to chose I have at my place anyway!!

  4. WOW this is really amazing post.I l love to know about Transportation and other port Canaveral Transportation services.

  5. Port Carnival...we do not need the same comment for every post..thanks.

  6. When you do comparison could you include single/return to city from Golden Hind please???

    I think it's £2.50 on both at the mo,b4 citybus rise but not sure. I only use FDC to be honest!!


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