
13 May 2011

Preservation News

Just a quick update from Plymouth City Transport Preservation Group.
Work continues apace on preparing buses for future shows and events. PCTPG ROE ATLANTEAN 131
137 TCO 537 is now back from repair and repainting just awaiting its tramway fleet numbers to be applied.
458 WJY 758 has had its Keighley lettering and fleet numbers removed and temporary PCT fleet names and 458 fleet numbers applied on its brown and white livery it will be 50 later this year and is planned to get a full yellow and white PCT open top livery repaint over the winter months.
201 DDR 201C may be about to changes hands within the group .
131 STK 131T is waiting for some front suspension/shock absorber work to be done.
133 STK 133T work continues on her full restoration from top to bottom but progress has been slowed so she wont be ready this year.
141 VJY 141V has reportedly been struck by another bus at Winkleigh I don't have that confirmed she is still intended as a long term restoration project but her future being honest is hanging in the balance
168 TTT 168X has had some minor work done to her front rear view mirrors and her exit door in part preparation for her MOT
170 TTT 170X has had all Riverlink livery lettering and advertising removed today and is about to have 22 seats repaired or replaced over the course of the late summer and winter she will then also gain a cash vault as will other buses that would have originally had them. She awaits some engine and gearbox work before MOT and REPAINT hopefully over the course of the winter.
171 TTT 171X has had some tidying up work such as wheel painting etc done.
105 K105 SFJ has had its seats all replaced/refurbished and is now looking very smart internally a ticket machine is next for this bus
19 NFJ 592M no news currently
The possibility of 1 or both of the out of use stored Volvo B10M Citybuses 175/6 B175/6VDV joining the group at some point is still being explored. More details when they are available.

Related Links

  • Plymouth City Transport Preservation Group Home Page

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