
23 May 2011

Dal y bws i De Cymru

The buses below are all on their way out from Plymouth and heading to South Wales. 44914/20 I believe are already there. They are needed in South Wales for new competitive services lauched by First Cymru. Of course these buses were transferred to Plymouth when First started new services against Plymouth Citybus. Other buses recieved at that time have also been transferred elsewhere as the new Ugobus network which promised so much has withered away...
First 44914 YX09AGZ (gone!) First 44915 YX09AHA First 44916 YX09AHC First 44917 YX09AHD 22 February 2011 First 44918 YX09AHE (now gone) First 44919 YX09AHF First 44920 YX09AHG First 42969 WA56FTZ First 44500 WK56ABZ Of course its not all one way traffic - over the coming weeks expect to see some of the exciting buses being brought into Plymouth. Hold on to your hats...( I realise I have possibly oversold this!). This means that the mantle of "newest buses in Plymouth service" reverts back to the Citybus Enviros from 2008 - with no sign of anything newer on the horizon either. "Dal y bws i De Cymru" = Catch the bus to South Wales (according to Google anyway!)

Elsewhere on the net

  • The bus was trying to negotiate Garrett Street in which I live in, and for people who know the area, this is simply impossible to do! PTOTPA
  • Three former Lothian Buses’ Leyland Olympians are passing through the BusWorks before export to Hungary Busworks Blog
  • fbb has been informed that MOST service 22 buses are adorned with yellow ducks, or at least they were by the end of the first week of operation. That's better Public Transport Experience
  • If the Competition Commission feels the bus industry is in a muddle, it need look no further than rail to see an absolute mess. Omnibuses
  • Blackpool Trams began operating along Lytham Road in 1895 initially to Station Road with a end on connection from 1896 with Gas trams to Lytham. Fylde Bus Blog
  • The oldest Tube trains running on the London Underground network will have been withdrawn by the end of next month A Transport of Delight
  • Thus far, the few respondents to the government’s recently launched Red Tape Challenge seem to want to see more regulation, not less Omnibuses
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  1. I hope Graham you're not referring to that horrible clapped out old heap which has appeared at the Ride!..

  2. There are some from Penzance that have now come to Plymouth, 42777 and 40038.

  3. there are some right heaps now! and 44500 was my fav bus to drive boo hoo!!


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