
18 May 2011

All here now

Following on from the last post I can now confirm that all 10 of the Volvos have arrived at Milehouse. The full batch are as follows:
  • 420 W509WGH
  • 421 W511WGH
  • 422 X556EGK
  • 423 X557EGK
  • 424 X558EGK
  • 425 Y828TGH
  • 426 Y808TGH
  • 427 Y812TGH
  • 428 Y813TGH
  • 429 Y827TGH
Go-Ahead London, PVL208, Y808TGH
Creative Commons licensed flickr photo shared by Steven Hughes

Elsewhere on the net

  • We like to think that in a deregulated provincial environment, bus services are free from political control. It’s tendered rather than commercial services that are influenced by the political will. Omnibuses
  • A chum from Brum telephones, expressing concern about inconsistency of public transport information in the West Midlands. Shock horror! Can it be true? Public Transport Experience
  • A look at towns and cities that have all had municipal fleets in past years. First up is Newport which still has a council-owned bus company, one of only ten left in Wales and England Transport Illustrated
  • Occasionally, I stand waiting with a group of other hopefuls at a particular town centre bus stop. It sees frequent buses. It’s off a very awkward junction and it’s quite tight for bus drivers to swing their 40ft single decks round to the stop. In fact, it’s impossible. Drivers always overrun. Omnibuses

1 comment:

  1. Passed Milehouse today and noticed that one is in the final stages of the repaint, and has been fitted with a new LED destination blind on the front....Fingers crossed wont be long before they are on the streets :D


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