
19 May 2011

999 special

MAY 11 B 410
©John Kowalksi
Thanks to John I can finally bring you a photo of former Citybus Dart 125 now with Devon & Cornwall Police although based at Plympton Fire Station. It seems odd that despite a bit of money having been spent on a smart paint job and whatever internal fittings it has, no one has removed the Citybus day rider banners from the front windscreen!


  1. I spotted today by the side of the River Plym a Leyland/Volvo Olympian double deck, unsure of the reg, bodywork is possibly Northern Counties/Alexander. Its currently parked up alongside the black MCW previously mentioned on this site. Best place to look at it is from the cycle path linking Embankment Rd & Billacombe Rd

  2. interesting - not heard about that one!


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