
11 April 2011

The outlook is brighter

With the imminent replacement of the step entrance fleet we are about to see the end of the worst Citybus livery (in my opinion anyway). I believe that these two are the last in service to carry this unbelievably dull livery: Plymouth Citybus 117 L117YOD Plymouth Citybus 116 L116YOD Derriford 12 Feb 2011 There is also just the one Mercedes still in the grey skirt livery although its not as bad as the Darts. Plymouth Citybus 283 N283PDV The only other buses in the fleet with the grey skirt are the two Volvos H177/8GTT Plymouth Citybus 177 H177GTT Again, its not a brilliant livery by any stretch of the imagination but its a lot better than the Darts. I shall be sad to see the step entrance Darts go, but the livery has outlived its welcome by many years.

Elsewhere on the net

  • In the summer of 2003, I stayed in Pulruan, Cornwall on a family holiday. Pulruan is opposite Fowey in the mouth of the River Fowey, and about 6 miles from St Austell. Southern England Bus Scene
  • A "brand from the burning" was a phrase used by John Wesley to describe his miraculous (and Divinely inspired, as he profoundly believed) childhood escape from a disastrous fire at the Wesley family home in Epworth Public Transport Experience
  • We all know that bus-rail connections are an important market though patently this depends upon frequency, fares, the proximity of bus to rail and other factors. Omnibuses
  • As comments build up, they can feed off each other. This is exactly what happened yesterday, with 30 comments on whether buses & rail should connect. Omnibuses
  • Selwyn's of Runcorn, who operate the National Express service 303 from Birkenhead to Southsea, recently took delivery of a batch of four Volvo B9R with (my new favourite) Plaxton Elite bodywork. Forbesy's Transport Ramblings


  1. When are the remaining step darts leaving the fleet?

  2. The company want them out asap. There are 10 ex London DDs being prepped at the moment, and the main routes (46/47) which still see regular step entrance operation are due to cease at the end of April. It wont be long!

  3. Hi mate,

    Thanks for your response, and idea when the Ex London Deckers will be on the road, are they just in the depot or being worked on now?

  4. It has been confirmed that the twenty three ex-Go-Ahead London Volvo Plaxton B7 buses currently at Go North East, are not the vehicles that are to be acquired by Citybus:-

    "Eleven of the ex-London Volvo B7s have been retained for Metro replacement work and have been allocated as follows:

    9110, 9111, 9113 to Chester le Street

    9114, 9115 to Stanley

    9121 to Percy Main

    9122, 9123, 9124 to Deptford

    9134, 9135 to Gateshead

    The remaining 12 vehicles have been placed into storage."

  5. The first of them have arrived and I believe they have started work on some of them. They only arrived last week. Details to be confirmed shortly


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