
19 April 2011

Go topless on Sunday

PCTPG 458 ©Ally Beverley (Via PCTAtlanteanHunter)
Another rare opportunity for an open top ride in Plymouth this weekend:
event Easter Sunday Sunday 24th April 2011
Adults £2.50, Children £1.00
Free Easter Egg for all fare paying children, whilst stocks last.
Trains will depart from 1300 until 1600 for the return train ride from Marsh Mills Station to Lee Moor Crossing,a trip of nearly a mile and a half.
The Railway Centre, Station Buffet and Shop will also be open from 1100. (Amenities and Trains subject to availability)
458 has had a bit of a makeover this past week and it is hoped that it will have its name reapplied in time for Sunday. A full repaint into yellow will be taking place over the winter months.
Sorry for the lack of posting over the last week. Family commitments and a bit of admin to catch up on took all my time!

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  • Metrobus operate into Worthing from Crawley on hourly route 23. The 23 takes an hour and a half to travel inland from the south coast. Southern England Bus Scene
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  • John Marsh has kindly been in touch with some fantastic photos he took at the UK Coach Rally in Peterborough last weekend, a selection are below... Andys Bus Blog
  • When the "upstart" Midland Railway arrived at its own terminus in London, its directors intended that the world would know that something special had happened. Public Transport Experience
  • Reports in today’s Independent that either Deutsche Bahn (or an unnamed Hong Kong group) might be making an offer for Stagecoach seem like a late April Fool. Omnibuses
  • Worthing is served by the previously discussed Metrobus operations on route 23, a few Compass Bus services, and the main service provider, Stagecoach South Southern England Bus Scene
  • You really know that the world has changed when you hear that First is prepared to do a rare thing and sell part of its business to a local competitor. In this case, announced yesterday was the divestment of local services in and around King’s Lynn. The beneficiary is the award winning Norfolk Green. Omnibuses
  • This year's London Bus Preservation Trust's Spring Gathering shifted a good way south to Dunsfold Aerodrome, the other side of Guildford from its usual Cobham/Weybridge/Woking haunts. Transport Illustrated

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