
23 April 2011

Citybus Updates

When Go-Ahead took control at Citybus many people wondered what would happen with the Citycoach side of the business. It had been under threat way before Go Ahead times but had been slimmed down and seemed to be doing ok. At the time of the takeover GAH said they were undecided about Citycoach but if the business was viable then it should be ok. Of all the big groups that could have bought Citybus GAH were always the most likely to keep the Citycoach side on. They operate quite a substantial coach operation within the South Coast Group and continue to invest in coaches across the group.
Well it seems that Citycoach is safe as they are looking to invest in new coaches again. With this in mind a demonstrator has been borrowed for a week or so in April and was operated in plain white with Citycoach fleetnames. Thanks to Brian for the pic taken from his Blackberry:
BJ60CAO We will have to wait and see what gets purchased for the fleet, and what livery they carry. The Stenning designed coach livery for the South Coast fleets is stunning so I am sure he can produce something equally eye catching for Plymouth.
Other news is that the first of the London PVLs have arrived at Milehouse and are being prepared for service. The buses that have arrived are as follows:
420 W509WGH
421 W511WGH
422 X556EGK
423 X557EGK
424 X558EGK
425 Y828TGH
London Central PVL228 Y828TGH Looking forward to seeing these in the new livery.

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    • The second half of my report on the Dunsfold gathering features the modern exhibits, well those from the mid-seventies onwards. By my aging terms that's modern. Transport Illustrated
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    • Now, there’s talk of more sort-of civil disobedience, this time of a bus boycott in the village of Cambourne, 10 miles west of Cambridge. Omnibuses


    1. Is it to my understanding that some Citaro's have already left the fleet? there don't seem to be as many about and if they are they are in the depot, and chance you could find out please

    2. Citaros out, knackered (they really are) PVLs in. Not good is it?

    3. I have certainly not heard anything about Citaros going. There have been rumours of this before when GAH first took over - they were strongly denied at the time - and they are still here.
      The current batch of PVLs are to replace step entrance Darts and probably Volvo Citybus DDs.


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