
28 March 2011

(still) Getting to Exeter

Stagecoach 52343 P803XTA The cutting back of the X38 to every two hours next month will quite possibly see the withdrawal of the old reliable Volvo B10Ms that have served this route so well for such a long time. It was way back in October 1996 that Stagecoach placed these into service on the route. I dont think anyone expected they would still be running the same route almost 15 years later!
I am sure a few years ago it was planned to make these permanent trainers and indeed 52343 is seen at Exeter suitably lettered up:
Stagecoach 52343 (P803 XTA)

©Ben Beaver 19 April 2009
2004 it looked like this.
Creative Commons licensed flickr photo shared by Steven Hughes

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