From the John Evans Collection
Thanks to John I can bring this wonderful shot of a very new Western National Leyland Atlantean VUH377J on the 76 from Callington to Plymouth. The Tamar Bridge behind looks very quiet. The scene today has changed a lot with the bridge itself widened and a new toll booth complex to replace the old huts. First Devon and Cornwall still operate the 76 although Western Greyhound now run their own 576 over the route as well.
Related Links
- Timetable 76 First Devon and Cornwall
- Timetable 576 Western Greyhound
- Vosa Variations Plymothian Transit February 2010
- The dog takes over Plymothian Transit September 2009
- Western National Atlantean Plymothian Transit September 2009
Elsewhere on the net
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- There’s more than a hint of Old Transit about England’s new fortnightly professional Passenger Transport, delivered yesterday. It’s like the return of a long lost friend. Omnibuses
- I'm talking about Wilts & Dorset's step entry DAF SB250/Optare Spectra double deckers - once easy to find no matter where you were in the Wilts & Dorset network, and now whittled down to just 7 in service. Southern England Bus Scene
- With the break up of London Buses came a number of operators to take over the route contracts. At best some were just as good but most fell well short of the mark. Busworks Blog
- Back in 2001 Blackpool Borough Council was awarded a grant a grant of £809,225 from the Department of Transport's Urban Bus Challenge. Fylde Bus Blog
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