
02 March 2011

B is for bus stop

Like many people on Flickr I allow my photos to be used by others for free under the creative commons licence scheme. As long as I am credited I am happy to see them being used elsewhere. It seems to be to be fair as this blog uses a lot of photos from other people who have agreed to share their photos. Every now and again I get surprised at how my photos are being used.
The bus stop at the bottom of Keswick Crescent now features in a nice little dictionary site for children... busstop

Elsewhere on the net

  • A year ago today, the Scania N230UD/Enviro400s which operate Coastliner 700 were introduced to active front line service. Southern England Bus Scene
  • After all this week’s news you deserve an update. Leon Daniels
  • Once upon a time, e.g. Great Britain Bus Timetable in 1996, W&D ran buses between Salisbury and Swindon. Between Marlborough and Swindon some buses ran via Chiseldon, others via Avebury. Public Transport Experience
  • Until April 2nd the southernmost point on Stagecoast West's network is Andover, connected from Swindon by way of route 70 workings turning into an 80 at Marlborough. Transport Illustrated
  • ‘Another use of “X” routes where the route actually isn't limited stop’ There followed a small debate as to what exactly an “X” prefix might signify. This, surely, is worthy of an airing on the main Omnibuses Blog. Omnibuses

1 comment:

  1. There's a First bendy bus on the streets of Plymouth somewhere as I saw it yesterday running up Exeter Street


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