
14 February 2011

Smart Enviro

I have never really been a fan of the Alexander Enviro buses double deck or single deck but I have to admit they do look smart in Western Greyhound livery. Captured this one on Saturday about to head up Royal Parade. It was out of service at the time. Western Greyhound 401 WK58EAA

Elsewhere on the net

  • We’re big fans of Flickr here at Manchester Transport blog: it’s a great place to explore photos that other people have taken. Manchester Transport
  • As I don't often cover the east of the region, I thought today's blog entry could include a number of photos from the my trip to Eastbourne last summer. Southern England Bus Scene
  • It’s surprising what a mention in the Sun newspaper can do for your site statistics and the sudden popularity of a bus blog Omnibuses
  • Following PCB, A-Line Coaches has now had its website professionally done by James Anderson at Reddex Designs PTOTPA
  • Just for a change, rather than publish the quantitative results in this week’s survey first, I thought I’d start with some of the qualitative written responses Omnibuses


  1. New livery pics direct from facebook! The links are:!/photo.php?fbid=10150108397559260&set=a.10150108397494260.288260.199718759259&theater!/photo.php?fbid=10150108397664260&set=a.10150108397494260.288260.199718759259&theater!/photo.php?fbid=10150108397914260&set=a.10150108397494260.288260.199718759259&theater

  2. Regarding the new City Bus livery the advert on the back says "everything you need to help you get around town" Someone better tell Go-Ahead that Plymouth is a city. You would have thought Plymouth City Bus might have given them a clue!

  3. Turns out 67 used to carry an ad for the The New China Garden

  4. Yeah, been looking at these myself - very smart!


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