I watched the last flight to London from Plymouth leave this afternoon, and took some pics for posterity. They were taken with a compact through the very dirty terminal windows, as I didn't quite feel like waving around a large DSLR in an airport. They are thus not of stellar quality, but I have cleaned them up a bit in Photoshop for you.
I was amazed to be the only person there at all, as I was half expecting Spotlight and/or the Herald to be in attendance. I found it a bit sad to be standing in a deserted airport, watching a flight that had existed since 1972 departing for the final time and also leaving the whole airport's future in doubt..
A sad end to a long standing service. How much longer will we have an airport at all? Its certainly prime development land in a very busy location.
Related Links
- Air South West goes East Plymothian Transit December 2010
- Better transport links needed Plymothian Transit May 2009
- Fancy a Dash to London? Plymothian Transit March 2009
Elsewhere on the net
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- We left our tale of cartographic complication with the South Yorkshire PTE maps of the early eighties - maps which died a death in response to the turmoil of deregulation of the bus industry in 1986. Public Transport Experience
- July 1926 saw the introduction of service 4 from Adelaide Street to Halfway House via Lytham Road, Watson Road and St. Annes Road with a 20 minute frequency provided. Fylde Bus Blog
Yes very sad. Apparent apathy from local authority and media alike. If the City loses its airport the chances of attracting future good quality longer term employers to the area will be further reduced. There has been a shocking lack of management, planning and financial support in respect of the airport.