
17 January 2011

The death of the ugobus concept

First have now put the new timetable for the Ugobus 15 from the 20 February. Oh dear - what a mess.
I guess the headline change is that only two buses an hour go into Mainstone. The third bus seems to sit at Asda for the 6 minutes it would have been running around the Mainstone loop. I can see this is going to be a real nuisance to everyone who catches the bus from this busy bus stop. It gets really crowded there at the best of times without buses sitting there doing nothing. The only benefit I can see from this change is that it might help buses get back to timetable as this service has been very unreliable recently especially in the evening peak mainly due to the Marjon run and Derriford.
The other big change seems to cut right across the whole idea of the Ugobus network. A straightforward easy to remember timetable with buses sticking to the same route. Even without having to remember that one bus doesn't go into Mainstone the new timetable is impossible to remember now apart from the times between 10:00 and 15:00 when they do keep to a twenty minute clock face timetable.
At the moment I know that I have a bus from Asda at 7:41 8:01 8:21 - easy to remember. I will now have buses at 07:31 07:52 08:12 08:35! I guess I will have to try and get the 07:52 although I might as well get the Citybus 50 and walk from Derriford as the 15 takes so long to reach Derriford roundabout as it still goes up into Marjon.
Ugobus 15

The saddest part of all this is the loss of the easy to remember timetable which surely was the whole point of Ugobus. Have they given up on the whole concept? For a view on the history of this service pop along to my Plymothian Transit Extra page for the route where you can see the introduction of a new service 15 from the 11 October 2009 with 4 buses an hour Monday to Saturday and two buses an hour on Sundays. By February 21st 2010 it was down to a twenty minute frequency and then August 2010 saw the loss of the Sunday service. October 2010 saw the route run into Marjon as the 7 was culled. This brought double deckers onto the route which was a bonus but the reliability has been poor. Plymothian Transit Extra

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  1. This seemsa bit odd to me..why does 1 an hour no longer go into Mainstone ?? Is this perhaps to give the drivers a break as if they are late getting into town they would never get a comfort break?? Only logical thing I can think of. It would be nice to see First expand again in Plymouth, maybe Leigham, Crownhill Mutley to city ???

  2. all down to reliability on the service

  3. It has to be said that reliabilty on this service has been really poor recently. lets hope this makes a difference - but I cant quite see how yet.

  4. Rumour is that the 15 and the 12 will be withdrawn entirely soon, with the Buses going to Southampton.


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