
29 January 2011

Citybus get personal

"Plymouth Citybus would like to launch very soon a new personal planning service. However before we do a full press release and advertise this new service. We would very much like your own feedback and comments so that we can make some improvements. In particular, how easy you found the service, the length of time to respond, and the quality of the response. To find the new planning service, please go to our timetable page on the plymouthbus web site, click on personal travel planning service. Hope you find this new service very useful"

personal planner

There are a couple of comments on the Facebook page which query the need to add the full address and telephone number as compulsory items, and I have to agree with them. I have submitted a request and indicated I would like a reply by email - so my address and telephone number surely are not relevant?
That said this could be a useful service for some passengers especially those that don't know how to read timetables - an awful lot of people don't seem to have that skill these days!
At least the above message from Citybus indicates they are keen to get feedback so I am sure they will take onboard suggestions before a full and proper launch of the service.
I am sure such a service would be even more useful for operators like First and Western Greyhound who operate over a much larger area with many routes only having one or two journeys a day. I can remember planning day trips down into Cornwall to try and get connections and make sure of getting back home ok, all with just the old printed timetable books. Its all getting so much easier these days! Well done to Citybus for adding something new to the mix.

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