
23 December 2010

What a load of rubbish…

Of course its not just the buses that are having problems...
Plymouth City Council WA57AXC Difficult road conditions together with continuing freezing temperatures means bin collection services in Plymouth are likely to face further disruptions. Collections have been suspended since Monday due to the weather and road conditions and as the temperatures are not expected to rise above zero, these problems are expected to continue. While some more major roads may be clear, there are still significant problems on secondary roads. Many back lanes and pavements are still frozen solid and are extremely slippery to walk on and pull wheelie bins along. Managers and supervisors are meeting daily to discuss the ongoing situation and the predicted freezing temperatures and are trying to identify where it may be possible to provide a very limited service. Waste and Street Scene Manager Colin Mee said: "We appreciate that the situation is not ideal, but we are doing the best we can in testing circumstances. There are many roads where the ice simply has not melted, which makes life difficult not just for the crews, but too dangerous for the trucks, especially when trying to negotiate back lanes.” As a result of the disruptions and if the icy conditions improve, crews will be asked to report for work this Friday and Bank Holiday Monday (27 December). However, the big freeze is expected to last until at least Bank Holiday Monday. Councillor Michael Leaves, Cabinet Member for Community Services (Street Scene, Waste and Sustainability) said: "We still want people to recycle, but appreciate that space in their recycling bins or green bags could be more of a problem over Christmas. "Squash down the recyclables as much as possible, such as cans and boxes which can be folded. If you have more than a bin load of recyclables, put them in a cardboard box by the side of your recycling bin and we will collect them on this occasion. Avoid putting them in black bin liners if at all possible.” The service will aim to pick up both missed recycling as well as missed normal waste next week. The changes are being made in response to current weather as well as the forecast. It is possible dramatic changes in the weather will again affect the service and we will publish updates on the website and in the local media
Despite their short lives with London Transport these AEC Merlins and Swifts did not achieve the kind of popularity enjoyed by better buses like the DM Fleetline finding new owners Busworld Photography
Small concerns tend to cite bureaucracy as a determining factor in selling up. The fact that the proprietor is 66 and there’s no family member prepared to take over could be a function of this ever increasing red tape. But it also indicates that there are usually more lucrative and easier ways of making a living without the long hours and marginal rewards associated with coaching. Omnibuses
In the face of defeat, A-Line Coaches was the only company left running today on the Rame Peninsula. PTOTPA

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