
20 November 2010

a little bit of tlc…

Thanks to Mike from the Plymouth City Transport Preservation Group for the latest update on their attempts to track down a former Citybus Renault minibus. It now looks like they are very close to getting D127LTA at least. To give you an idea of what they are up against here are a few pictures of 27 in her current state...
D127LTA D127LTA The rear has been changed quite a bit!
D127LTA I am pretty sure that these were not fitted out like this in service!
Hopefully one day she will return to this condition:
PCB Renault-Dodge 27 - Ply., Garage PCB - 03-07-1987
©Jos Van Hemert - used with permission.
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  1. Does anyone know the date when the last one was withdrawn by CityBus?

  2. Many thanks for that so they were in service about 11 years with PCB.


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