More than 350 special vinyl posters have been produced by the Coastguard and have been fixed to the rear windows of as many buses.
The space, donated for free by bus company First, means the awareness campaign — which encourages people to dial 999 asking for the coastguard if they spot anyone in trouble on the coast — will be seen by many thousands of people.
Talking about the scheme, Marc Reddy, for the bus company, said: "We have offered the space on the buses for free to help ensure that this important message is carried and is seen by as many people as possible."
This Is Plymouth
Of course First have had a partnership with the RNLI for some time as well with 42471 in their livery and working for them on their stand at this years WNPG Rally (and in previous years too)

On a totally separate note, I am sorry if anyone had problems viewing the site yesterday. It seems that Google Docs must have been playing up a bit and asking for a password for some visitors (but not all of them!) Hopefully all is working now.
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