The transport company Plymouth CityBus said it was investigating. The alleged incident happened on Tuesday as part-time hairdresser Mrs Tracey, who is four months pregnant, was heading home to Crownhill from the city centre.
She said: "He had been in town, he was fed up and hot and was screaming to get out. "I was doing my best to keep him quiet.
"The driver turned round and said if I did not shut him up we would be thrown off."
Her husband Paul, 38, said: "I had a phone call from her saying a bus driver had thrown her and my son of the bus. "I had to ask her to repeat it as I was stuck for words. I cannot get my head around it. If this guy does a school run, how is he going to cope?"
A CityBus spokesman said CCTV from the bus was being checked and all evidence would be investigated.
Full story BBC News
These sort of stories often appear in the local papers as bus companies seem to be soft targets. At least these days with cctv the stories can often be checked and quite often be disproved altogether. Look back through Leon Daniels blog to see a couple of high profile news stories where accusations were made which ended up in the national news only to be completely debunked later. By then the damage has been done as the follow up rarely gets the same attention in the news.
It remains to be seen if this is the case with this story. I kind of hope it is as it shows poor judgement by the driver. That said a screaming toddler can indeed by a distraction to a driver which could potentially be a safety issue? I have often been on a bus and seen drivers cope with such screaming toddlers without a word. I guess they must be used to it. Who'd want to be a bus driver?
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